Tuesday, December 18, 2007


6 ~ Reaper (The CW): Originally pitched as bit of a Brimstone rip-off, this comedy drama proved to have a bit of a heart, some unrequited love, demons escaped from hell and a devil who wouldn’t have been out of place in the RatPack. Even the sidekicks who were initially annoying are now quite endearing. Plus what the eff does the dad know about the contract with the devil that he doesn’t want the strangely adorable Brett Harrison to find out??

5 ~ Dr Who (BBC1): Frankly, David Tennant is rather loveable and snappily dressed as the time lord and Martha made for a delightful addition to the cast and a worthy replacement for Billie Piper (no small feat!). Episodes like Blink were startlingly effective while the two parter where the dr disguised himself as human ranks as the seasons finest two hours, while setting things up for a scisstertastic master finale…

4 ~ The Tudors (Showtime): Historical accuracy be buggered. Jonathan Rhys Meyers made an excellent Henry VIII and made me believe for the first time ever that Henry was virile enough to bag six wives. Sex, lust, disease, divorce, rear rogering, possigays and the word cunt made for a delightfully intruiging series that will return (thank God) next year. Long live the king.

3 ~ Ugly Betty (ABC): Possibly tv’s most over the top campest hour since the unsurpassed Sunset Beach. Calculated weddings, empire takeovers, murder, death, prison breaks, dating someone 2 points below your hotness level, and extracting sperm from a corpse. You don’t get that from Bones (I think ~ I’ve never watched it but might catch up with it all during the writers strike). Plus the geeky Henry took Betty (sort of) to see Wicked, so there were mondo bonus points for that…

2 ~ Gossip Girl (The CW): Essentially The OC ~ The College Years, but set in New York and still in high school. Oh. But very good. Based on the books by Cecily von Something, it has so far stayed fairly loyal to the core material and made me fall desperately in love with the Dan-Serena relationship, while enjoying the struggle for high school and business power, and parental acceptance story lines that run parallel. Dan ends up a bit gay in the books, so fingers crossed for the lovely Penn Badgely to follow suit. Deliriously campy and gloriously addictive.

1 ~ Pushing Daisies (ABC): Oh how I loved this show before it was even on the air. And then it was everything I dreamed it would be. Slightly surreal, almost comic book like in it’s colourful presentation and a whimsical tv representation of a tragic fairy tale. Plus the cast are likely to break into songs like Birdhouse In Your Soul, which only adds to the charm. Plus the pieman and Chuck end up as my favourite couple of the year, among stiff competition from the previous two shows on this list. I haven’t watched last weeks episode yet, but I am dying to see how Chuck reacts to the news that the increasingly well dressed pieman killed her father, albeit inadvertantly. Which makes it ok in my book. Long live love.

Gone but not forgotten: The Oc, Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars

Continuing quite nicely in comic book form: Buffy Season Eight and Angel season six…


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