Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's both comforting and terrifying that I have now been blogging every move of the x-factor for 15 long weeks now. That is over a quarter of the entire 2010. And yet, I cannot remember a time before it began! This week is rock week and the contestants get to sing two songs! I will not be here however. I will be in Florida getting my Disney on, so I was hoping you would all do me a little favour. In the comments section for the next two weeks, perhaps you could all update me on what is happening, who was good, how awful Katie was etc. I'm having a self imposed internet break for 2 weeks, but your comments will be sent straight to my phone as texts. How magical technology is. You can update me in real time you lazy bums :) That would be terrific. I thank you.

I still want to play my fizzypop x factor contestants game though, so I've picked out one rock song and one song of my choice for each of this week's contestants... 'Ere we go then...


If i got my finger out before I went on holiday, I should have a nice interview opportunity taking place right now with my fave new boyband. And it should be ready for you to read upon my return. Fingers crossed!! What I absolutely adore about Princes and Rogues is that they seem to be absolutely charming fellas, they have really honed the 80s geek chic image beyond their clothes but into their performances too and they genuinely have a great blend of voices. Putting 5 voices together isn't hard, but making the strengths play off each other is. I am so eager to see what else they can do in the new year...
  • Rock choice ~ Damn, I Wish I Was Your Lover (Sophie B Hawkins): Not only one of my favourite songs of the 90s, but one that i've always thought a boy band could do justice too. Imagine taking this yearning plea for companionship and giving it a harmonised sheen. Imagine the chorus being more clipped, rounding off the notes instead of dragging them out. Imagine the backing harmonies creating a lush soundscape for the main vocals in the verses and particularly the middle eight. It would be magnificent. Trust me.
  • My choice ~ Red (Daniel Merriweather): And as if by magic you can also view it above! How handy is that! I don't just throw these posts together you know! Led by a sumptuous piano accompaniment, it kicks off with a delightful vocal from Derek and continues to soar until the tightly harmonised chorus with Johnny taking a lead on vocals. It flies, all of the solo parts are impeccable and it already sounds like a Christmas number one. Glorious times one million. This is why I need more from them. And soon...

What's not to love about Elouise? Her new Stardust Melodies EP came out last week and proved that she can take a familiar cover version and turn it around into something she completely makes her own. She would absolutely shine week after week on the x-factor taking on different genres and songs, though i think she would work best if Dannii were her mentor. Looking at her range and capabilities, it's both easy and frustratingly difficult picking songs for her week in week out - easy because she can turn her hand to anything; difficult because there is so much to choose from. I think I got it spot on this week...
  • Rock choice ~ Black Velvet (Alannah Myles): I don't think I would even change this from the original arrangement very much. It allows Elouise to reign it in a little in the verses, even make it a little more coquettish than it is now - then gives her every opportunity to emote and go for it in those enormous choruses. I can't imagine this being anything but completely immense from start to finish...
  • My choice ~ As Long As He Needs Me (Judy Garland): Oh! Another video. Aren't I good to you?! It's already staged like a mini x-factor performance with a nicely bronzed and buffed fireman parading around, but even that doesn't detract from the exquisite timelessness of the song. There's a deep emotional resonance in the vocal and it's a lush arrangement that beautifully complements this. Heavenly...
OK, that's your lot. Enjoy Beiber tomorrow and don't forget to keep me updated on what's going on in both Sat and Sun shows - and let me know what you think of Elouise and PnR! 'Preciate it!


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