Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The web wild cards for Melodifestivalen 2011 was selected on Monday night. "Better or Worse" with Julia Alvgard and "On my Own" with Jonas Matsson were the lucky winners.
Melodifestivalens webbjokrar utsågs i måndags och de två lyckliga vinnarna blev Julia Alvgard med "Better or Worse" och Jonas Matsson med "On my Own". 

It was the second year for the web selection and this year it was live broadcasted. After the show I got a few words with the producer Christer Björkman and according to him SVT will continue to develop the concept.
Det var andra året i rad som tävlingen ordnades och denna gång blev det också ett direktsänt TV-program. Jag fick några kommentarer från Christer Björkman och han siar om att konceptet ska fortsätta växa och utvecklas.

Christer - what do you think about the results?
- The audience made an excellent choice. Both songs are very good.

How do you find the selection this year compared to last year?
-  Big difference. First of all we had a many more voters, over 800.000. Secondly the quality of the songs was higher.

Will you continue with the concept next year?
- The process with the wild card selection is a concept that we will continue to improve. We want to create a platform for new artists and give them a possibility to be seen and heard and hopefully they get a contact with producers and record labels. Tonight I have seen that many publishers and record companies are present. Obviously the expectations are high and I really hope that all five get a contract in one way or another.

What chances do you think the songs have in Melodifestivalen?
- I think they may work really well.

The overall standard and performances were acceptable. The TV-production was a budget version compared to Melodifestivalen but despite that I think SVT made a good decision when they decided to broadcast the show. According to Christer Björkman it was a possibility to test the artists and see how they act on stage.
Överlag var programmet helt acceptabelt även om det var en budgetproduktion. Jag tycker det var helt rätt av SVT att sända live och enligt Christer Björkman var det också ett bra tillfälle att se hur artisterna agerar på scen. 

Photos: www.poplight.se, Lilian, SVT


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