Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I think it was a tribe called quest that wisely but incorrectly once said "Rapping is fundamental". I've never been a rapper, but i do love writing. My novel is now finished and undergoing some harsh revisions (critical friends can be so brutal!) to improve "narrative flow" and "character development". Which is all good obviously, as much like people in the army, I want it to be all it can be. The problem is, obviously it has to be typed up on the computer and I just love actually writing. With a pen. Til my wrist aches. I love to see all the little notes i've scribbled in the margins referencing plot points and necessary changes. And i know you can do all that in Word, but it just doesn't seem the same. And when I'm famous, a word document won't fetch a charity millions on ebay :P So the actual novel is all typed up and lovely in word, but I somehow treasure my scrapbook of thoughts, paragraphs and character resumes. I particularly like the page where I had writers block so in frustration i scrawled FUUUCCCCK in massive letters, which led to an entirely unexpected train of thought which totally changed the last few chapters of the book. Weird. Writing to order, by the way, based on feedback and suggestions is freaking hard. I rewrote the prologue for about the 25th time, sent it to some friends and then realised it was the worst draft yet. Nothing better than a bit of public humiliation!! Anyway, for more expert writing on writing, you could do far worse than visit Heidi's (Mrs Dan) always brilliant blog...

Anyway, that random rant was inspired by some decluttering this weekend. I'm amazed at how much the look of a room can change just by adding a few things here and there. Our living room had a big clunky cabinet at the end of the corner sofa with a big clunky stereo on. Ditching that completely, adding a fancy white end table and some cushions and rug with a splash of colour has totally changed the look of the room! And in the kitchen - gone is the pine dining table and a black and white dining set takes it's place. Oooo i feel like i live in a show home now. It's all very lovely and aces. The house seemed such a mess after we'd assembled everything, so Darren went into full Bree (Desperate Housewives) mode to make it look spiffy. I've been to paradise but i've never been to Bree...

Anyway, here are some essential things, blogs, upcoming happenings and random occurences you should all definitely, maybe, probably, if you can be bothered check out....

  • Darren and I have just finished watching the entire series of hilarious Aussie comedy Summer Heights High. Not only have I found a totally new way to pronounce "homo" but I've been singing "she's a bad girl with a bad habit" all the live long day. The last episode was strangely touching - i nearly wept at the conclusion to Jonah's storyline.
  • Now that Kirsty from Location x 3 has gone shrill and annoying, I find myself warming to Nicky Hambleton Jones (NHJ) from 10 Years Younger. Not only does she have the most amazing glasses collection, but she actually pronounces off as "orf" which is very lovely in this chavvy day and age. Plus she regularly berates people for constantly wearing black. Nothing wrong with black, but as NHJ says ~ "every day?!" Right on sister.

    • The ever adorable Same Difference have some new pics up and a new blog which mentions more about recording the album. Enough already (though i adore their blogs) - bring on the music! Their video concept sounds so cheesy, i can eat it right up...
    • The remnants of potential to be massive boyband Digital (RIP) live on. I've kept in touch with Dean and Ian over the past year as both of them launch their solo careers, and both have some VERY exciting stuff coming up.

    • Woo hoo! Maroon 5 release a special edition of their "sophomore" set It Won't Be Soon Before Long. The bonus tracks are already available (and have been for a while if you are a fan) but the disc comes with a dvd of concert and all their music videos. Adam Lefine. Sigh.

    • Not a week after writing about the vair vair marvy Stiff Dylans comes news of their non McFly cover new single - and lead off track from the Georgia Nicholson film. It's called Ultraviolet and you can listen to it on the widget thingy above. Enjoy mon pallies.
    • Wicked fans like myself can rejoice. Following on from my well thumbed copy of Wicked I bought in 1998, and Son Of A Witch (the sequel) there is now a third book coming out in October (just in time for Halloween!) called A Lion Among Men. It's a trilogy now! Only there will be a fourth book, so to borrow a term from the hideously titled Alien and Die Hard box sets - it's a Wicked Quadrilogy!!! Oh my dayz.

More sometime this week!


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