Friday, May 25, 2007

Veronica Mars (Series Finale – boo you CW Whores!) ~ Oh dear. I don’t really know where to begin. Little veronica filled the buffy sized hole in my life three years ago and provided some whip smart entertainment that never really took with the masses, despite almost universal critical acclaim. The final two episodes show why this masterpiece could never be a massive hit ~ it’s premise put people off discovering an incredibly cleverly written show, with hilarious one lines and deep layered plots that actually continually made sense and doled out revelations in a timely and suitable manner. I love that the more Veronica fell for Piz, the more attracted to him I became. I love the return of three of the Kanes (2 in slightly creepy picture form). I love that Papa Mars was willing to commit a crime for his daughter. I loved Paul Rudd as a washed up has been rock star with a happy ending. And I loved the dialogue throughout. Discussed in depth elsewhere (including my beloved P76 site) here are my 7 fave lines from this magnificent departed beast…

  1. “I hear matchbox twenty are making a return” “Who cares ~ Rob Thomas is a whore…” (RT is also the name of the show’s creator)
  2. “Weevil – you’re wobbling”
  3. “Teen People says if I shave my legs all the boys will notice” “Really? FHM says to bare my breasts…”
  4. “I’m easy. Easy like Sunday Morning…”
  5. “I’m in line, eating frozen yohurt, talking about my feelings. I’m a girl!”
  6. “two questions ~ one, why do you suck and two, what’s it like to suck so much?”
  7. “hello lover…” (as Mac sees a super computer!)

Overall, it was very much like a greatest hits of Veronica’s previous moments – weevil framed, a sex tape story, keith disgraced as sheriff, logan a bit of a psychopath and Veronica back in her high school mode of being alone again. Naturally.

Brothers & Sisters ~ this did what all good season finales should. It wound up the season in a satisfying way while moving things forward for next year. I love the party thrown for Kitty and the Senator and the two nightmare families mingling together. I’ve been waiting all season for someone to make a cat noise at kitty’s name and finally some drunken uncle in law did so yay! Ultimately, I was most moved by Justin’s story ~ his return to Iraq moved up by two days he tried to spend time with his family doing things they wanted to do (including going to see Wicked with Kevin!!) and Sally Fields was a power house actress once again. Ending the season havinf fun in the swimming pool where the pilot started and a place that caused so much misery was a really nice touch. It’s not groundbreaking tv, it’s not edgy or hip, it’s just good solid entertainment and I like it.

Lost ~ Sheesh, I don't even know where to begin addressing this one. It was fairly obvious from the start that Jack was in "the future" so i'll come back to that in a minute. The action on the island was pretty intense. Thanks to crap shot Jin, the plan to blow up the others didn't quite come off and Jin, Bernard and Sayyid had to be rescued (wearing last years black gags - i hope they washed them, ew.) by Hurley in a camper van! Genius. The underwater stuff was pretty cool too - i love Charlie and was sad to see him die in a quite poignant and sad scene :( And how rude was Penny, she was all "screw you bitch, bring me Dessypoos". No wonder Charlie slammed the door in his face... back to the island, now the signal is unjammed Jack was free to make a call on his brick of a phone, only for Locke to harpoon Naomi Liar in the back. Golly - now everyone thinks they are being rescued but the flash forwards hold a whole new intrigue to the show. I eagerly await next season to see if Desmond makes it out, to see if Juliet is a lying whore, to see if Ben survives being tied to a tree (they sure love tying each other up on the island, kinky buggers) and to see if Jack's chopper lands to change everything we've ever known. Feb seems a long time away...

I quite liked the last episode of Desperate Housewives this year. It did a good job of bringing Brie back into the fold (I love how she is going to wear a pregnancy belly to avoid the shame of having an unmarried knocked up daughter) while placing the rest of the ladies in various new situations. It was nice to see Susan ditch the drama for a change and have what I thought was a far more romantic wedding with Mike. And poor Gabrielle finding out that the politician who was into being peed on from sex and the city only married her to get the latino vote. At least she doesn’t have to whizzle on him in the shower like Carrie Bradshaw almost had to do. Lynette’s storyline was rather touching – it will be interesting to see if the lymphoma is still around in the new season or whether she has recovered over the summer. Her mom is amazing, hahaha in a scary evil way. And of course the biggest development was Edie’s final few minutes. It seemed a bit out of character for her, but maybe the thought of being alone combined with the weddings was just too much to take. Time will tell.

Heroes was a strangely muted affair. It certainly wrapped up the storyline well enough and things played out at the end almost exactly the same as in the visions with everyone being in NYC at the same time. Rather than a huge action packed finale, it was mainly about choices. Matt choses to protect Molly, despite that she is a weapon. Nathan choses love over destiny and ultimately saves the world. Hiro chose friendship over destiny. And Nikki chose Mika and her fella over Jessica, though seems to have absorbed her strength now. So is Nathan Petrelli no more? What about Peter? And why is Hiro now in some ancient Japanese land? (I swear his dad was on one of the horses)… I felt somewhat let down by it all, but was still pleased with the overall event. Bear in mind I was all sorts of pills when I watched both these finales so I could’ve screwed up the detail somewhere.

It was always going to be difficult to top last years Grey’s Anatomy finale. Thursday’s finale seemed a rather muted affair. That’s not to say it wasn’t full of the usual tender emotional moments where the patient’s cases seem to mirror the increasingly complex lives of the residents. George failing his intern exams was quite the shock, as was Callie getting chief resident over Bailey... It was nice that Christina acknowledged that everything seems to be about Meredith even when it’s not. Basing her relationship with McDreamy on whether Christina made it down the aisle was a bit foolish and frankly the lovely Dr Shepherd (male) deserves a lot better. Sandra Oh did an amazing job of breaking down after being left at the altar (sort of) by Burke (McJilty?)and fair bought a tear to my eye. Izzy and Alex’s romantic dilemmas were almost subplots but still will have an impact in the new season. Overall, it wasn’t the best Grey’s episode ever and I’m left feeling worried for Meredith and Derek’s relationship... Above is the final few minutes of the finale with the beautiful and highly effective song Keep Breathing by Ingrid Michaelson...

Smallville was a frigging rollercoaster of a ride of a season finale (end of current series). At times it was almost like it was written with a season finale cheat sheet to hand. Earth shattering revelations? Check. Major characters in life or death dilemmas? Check. Wrapping up of season long plot threads? Check. It was all pretty good, until the last 2 minutes which was quite brillo. I don’t believe for a second that Lana blew up in that jeep – I think it’s pretty obvious that she hopped into the Postal van. Lionel is currently drowning and Chloe’s tear transferred her lifeforce to Lois (how annoying British guy and Ivanova is Babylon 5). I’ve always been a bit annoyed by Lois in Smallville. I was quite hoping she would die after she had been stabbed and that Chloe would take her name in her honour. But probably not then. And Clark fighting himself at the end, before turning into Bizarro Clark was brilliant! Oh! And the “previously on...” was the best I’ve seen since Buffy’s The Gift. I still think season 7 should be the final year however..

Ugly Betty may well be the most over the top show on television at the moment, but if you embrace the insaneness, it’s actually pretty hilarious and amazing. The season finale had a lot going for it. SPOILERS AHEAD!! (PS Don't look at the pic above either :P)

OK where to begin? First of all, I think Amanda and Mark may well be the new Jack and Karen (who lets face it kept Will&Grace alive long after it should have finished…), I loved the moment where Willie was missing Mark and he came back and hugged her. Henry and Betty may be the cutest tv couple in a while. CURSE YOU TO HECK CHARLIE (Heck is a suburb of hell – it’s not as hot, but it has better taxes and cable tv). Amanda’s discovery that Faye Sommers may be her mother suddenly took on creepy connotation when I realised that ex-flame Daniel could possibly be her brother. Plus it had Kristin Chenowith in it. Sigh. Oh! And about a million cliffhangers including the hilarious prison escape (“What happened to Fish?” “Fish become bitch after two weeks!”), the car crash and possibly the saddest death announcement scene since Buffy told Dawn that her mom was dead. I’ll miss Santos – he had just turned into a great dad to Justin and actually was one stone cold fox in a rough sort of way.


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