Saturday, May 10, 2008

Oh my gosh, I have such tummy ache. I've gobbled far too much of Darren's meat tonight. Ho ho. Although 90% of that statement is true, but it was actually Ruth's meat ~ let's face it though that didn't sound nearly dirty enough did it? Anyway, maybe sometimes Mr D'Luv is right - when you let it 34 can be quite nice. Despite starting the day with our sky + box (UK Tivo) broken, Darren's car making ominous banging noises (turns out the mechanic "forgot to tighten the wheel screws" after the service! Oh is that all??!) and waking up with no water (leading to "sympathetic" texts like 'shall I fed ex you a bottle of evian'; 'i'm having waterworks problems too' and 'stage a concert, get bob geldof involved to sort it - it worked for africa'), Mr DazPecs and I had the most lovely indoor outdoor luxury barbecue with finger buffet at Ruth and Lou's gorgeous new pad (who I have now christened RuthieLoos cos it rhymes with Ruthiepoos). And because i haven't done a "me" centric post for ages I thought I would "spoil" you all tonight with a whopper. But before i begin, MAJOR points for anyone who knows which sitcom the post title comes from....
Everything about the whole evening was wicked bad fun. From start (darren and I leaving our apartment to be confronted by our new neighbour who introduced herself with "mummy bought me the apartment, but i won't move in just yet as I've got the decorators in" which made us both titter muchly) to finish (a rousing game of Buzz), it was just a lovely relaxed chilled out time. I like to think my music selection of the following not very cool at all albums made it rather a kitschy evening...
  • Beaches OST (Darren and Lou are HUGE Bette Midler fans ~ I personally enjoy an invigorating singalong to Otto Titsling)
  • Carpenters Greatest Hits (I think i've done rather well to keep my absolutely obsessive love for the Carpenters off the blog for two years. I freaking adore them. ADORE!)
  • Michael Jackson's Thriller (No remixes or remakes, just the original tracks in their enjoyable format. Still digging Michael's girlish talky bit in the Girl is Mine)
  • Jason Donovan's Ten Good Reasons (With 11 tracks it's like a bit of a bonus - any flashback to the good old SAW days is ok with me ~ AND! Got me reminiscing how Smash Hits used to do big track by track reviews of the albums)

The food, naturally, was also delish. RuthieLoos did an awesome job in the kitchinal area and added all sorts of lovely coloured items to the burgers and chicken to make them even more paletable than ever. The gammon steaks were effing heaven in a bit of pig though. As was the toffee cheesecake. Sigh. So much purging to do tomorrow :P

I could go on about it forever, but here are some photos to "play" the post out...

Darren doing a dance off in Scene It. I judged him the winner. No bias there :P

My artistic "mirror" shot. Bleedin' gorgeous :P

Poor Lou was riddled with hayfever. Which alarmingly comes up as "gay fever" on my predictive phone text...

Danger, danger! High voltage...


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