Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Oh cock. I am well behind with all the songs and music I wanted to write about this week. The week has essentially gotten away with me. I did a car boot sale (don't ask). The washing machine broke. Again. My mp3 player broke. I am now broke. I walked into a hanging basket of pansies and hurt my nose. On the plus side, I am finally enjoying The Alchemyst book which I've been struggling with for a while. See? Peserverence pays off! Magnif. Anyway, here are songs that really should have been written about by now. I'm not very cutting edge am I?

  • Leddra Chapman - Summer Song: Want to hear a slice of summer pop heaven? Then you could do a lot worse then checking out the ever so lovely Leddra. I'm chagrinned to learn that actually this is her third single from her debut album, Telling Tales, so I have some catching up to do. Summer Song is a lush, catchy, adorable tune that mixes the ethos of I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker with the quirky and clever instrumentation of something like Eurovision winner Lena's Satellite. Leddra's voice is a charm by itself, but clever and persistant tunes like this make the overall product an absolute winner...
  • Alesha - Drummer Boy: Songs with a militant drum beat in can be very good. Check out Abba's Soldiers, Simon Curtis' Left Right Left and (for the softer side of sears) Gabriella Cilmi's Defender. None of which tells you much about Alesha's comeback song. Well it is more Lets Get Excited type creation than The Boy Does Nothing innovation. This isn't a bad thing though and the song does have an abrasive charm that grows on you with each listen. It also reminds me of how much I actually like Alesha doing ballsy pop tunes rather than swoony ballads. Bring on album three :)
  • Eliza Doolittle - Pack Up: Oh good gracious, I'm months behind on Eliza but i've finally paid her the attention she is due. As it seems has the rest of Britain, with this song being a genuine sleeper hit. The voice is just the right mix of clear expression with emotive injection; Like Leddra, the song has an effortless knack of making you feel that the melody and lyrics just magically came together to create this sunny moment of pop genius. The album, btw, is also incredibly addictive and well constructed. Shame on me for not paying attention :P
  • Ellie Goulding - The Writer: I like Ellie. I think she has produced some decent pop tunes and an enjoyable album. But i've not fully connected and that sometimes happens with pop stars. however, this track is sheer beauty. It retains the production charm of her previous singles but the lyrics and her most sincere vocal performance to date elevate this track to something quite magical. Plus there's a quite good remix over at arjanwrites. Oh, and Wish I Stayed should be the next single per favor...
  • The Saturdays ~ Missing You: There is something not quite right sometimes with The Sats. Forever is Over was not a good choice of lead single from the second album, and although Ego was very good there were no further singles such as the illuminating One Shot or the funky Wordshaker. Bah. So now the world is on not-album three and Missing You has taken a while to grow on me. It's essentially a ballad set to a slightly rave-esque backing track (a la One Shot by JLS). It's not a bad track, but it doesn't have the enticement of Up or goofy charm of Just Can't Get Enough. Headlines apparently has some doozies so I'm not giving up just yet...
  • The Wanted - All Time Low: By now if you have read this blog more than once you will know of my obsession with boybands. Yet somehow, I've resisted to an extent The Wanted. I initially wrote about them back in April and since then All Time Low has taken over England and become more and more addictive with each listen. The song is definitely a grow-er and although I'm not ready to declare them the new Take That (or the new anything) just yet, they've done well for a put together boyband - and next single Heart Vacancy is quite fine. Odd fact - they are number one with All Time Low, and All Time Low (the band) are number 100! Symmetry!!

Tomorrow - the international edition!


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