Friday, March 18, 2011

When i transferred from boys school to a mixed sex school (gasp, the hormones, etc), my wise nan sat me down and told me that you should be beware of girls, because girls will always be girls and will be trouble. With a capital T. Blimey. I'm sure this is what sent me gay(er). Anyway, the Ultra Girls have taken that mantra and made it something to be proud of with their poppalicious debut single. And as I haven't done a video breakdown for a while, what better opportunity than now to examine what they have got going on visually...

  • It starts off with a shot of the world. This must mean the Ultra Girls are going global! Hurrah! World domination ensues. Though the blinding bit of sun poking from behind the globe nearly scorched my retinas off!! Ouch.
  • Boooo, the girls aren't ultra quite yet as they all have really mundane jobs. Lauren though in particular has sexed hers right up with that chewing gum work (very wrigley!) I tried to emulate it today walking to the train, but frankly it didn't have the same appeal. Darn :P
  • Laura serves up the most unappetising food i have seen since I had sunday dinner last at my moms :P She does it with a bit of panache though to match that dinner lady sneer she's got going on. It has made me sort of want mashed potatoes for tea though...
  • Lauren has a ridiculous amount of bling to take off at the airport. Jessie J would be most displeased ;) I always get the wand run over me at airport security. God knows why. This all leads to some group dancing for the chorus, which looks a proper good time. My favourite genuine "LOL" moment is when some poor fella gets a mop in his face during a dance off. I once accidentally gave darren a vicious scar with the hoover cord while dancing to Shoop by Salt n Pepa while vaccuuming, so I can totally relate...
  • Laura is still in full sneer mode at the carbs she is dishing out at the start of verse two. Lucy is having a much better time cleaning possibly because she gets to wear some don't f*** with me high heels and a head scarf that looks like an accessory that Becky would wear on Corrie. Plus cleaning can be quite fun if you've got the right tunes on your iPod. I suggest we all put Girls Will Be Girls on while dusting the crevices tomorrow to see how we get on. Ooo challenge!
  • Blimey, she (Lucy) really chucked that mop away and did a foxy reveal at around 1m25s didn't she? Do not do this in confined quarters. You will have someone's eye out!! (PS how is it I've only just realised they are all working at the airport??)
  • They are all having outfit swizzlings now. Amy's is my favourite because it reminds me of an episode of WonderWoman where someone strapped Diana Prince to a spinning chair and she eventually span into WonderWoman. Amazing. They don't make tv like that anymore!!
  • SECOND CHORUS!! Now that's a dance routine :) Arms out, into T, head spinning, pointing, hand on hips - it's a gay dream come true :P God help me if I hear this with a few Cinzanos inside me!!
  • 2m10s onwards - I really like the middle 8. It really does show off their voices and there is some cheeky bunny eared flirting with a burly security guard. Who among us hasn't done that at some point in our life?! Then they are all running amok through the airport just like when the little boy in love, actually unfeasibly runs after the love of his life (age 9) on Christmas Eve right before she buggers off back to America. The minx. But I digress... there is a rather fabbo pose of the girls too at 2m38 and they don't even get knocked off their feet when an aircraft takes off over their heads. This leads me to believe there will be some super powers revealed in video #2!
  • It all finishes off with more dance routines, some young girls having a good old bop along and the plane flying around the world. Plus a final shot that says "we're here, get used to us, cos we ain't going anywhere". Thank Christ...


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