Friday, February 4, 2011

Blimey. Part of me thinks "what a waste of a life" while the rest of me thinks "ah well, it still provides my buddies with an update on all things media" even when text and twitter get it to them faster. Thing is, I still enjoy blogging especially now I don't put any pressure on myself to do it. I love being able to bring new songs to a wider audience via Larry Flick on Sirius OUTQ radio show The Morning Jolt... I'm not always (rarely ever) the first to blog about stuff but that never matters to me. I'm always happy just to be a bit effusive about my latest obsessions :) Anyway, here are my five favourite blog posts from the past five years (including when i was at thezapping) - and you will notice that the majority aren't even about music. They are when i get to let people have a little peak into my mundane existance. How kind you've been to keep visiting. I thank and salute you all :)

  1. The Wedding Blogger ~ my very favourite post of all time. How self indulgent of me. Still the very best day of my life to date. Filled with nothing but lovely memories and solidifed some long lasting friendships with the online community I was friendly with. I do look quite nice in the pictures despite constantly squinting in the sun. Oh I cannot wait for our five year wedding anniversary getaway in June. Ah bless little dazpants :)
  2. Darren mock-anally probes someone ~ of all the holiday diaries I've posted over the years, this post always makes me laugh out loud the most. Mr Pants was awfully plastered that night and his behaviour went from bad to worse. What the post fails to mention is that when he went to the toilet in this tiny bar, some bloke came out and Darren loudly proclaimed that he wasn't going in because whatever had happened before "bloody stinks". Buffy IS right. Beer bad.
  3. My hideous day ~ Gosh what a moody sod I can be. And completely tactless. I've mellowed with age is all I can say (or apparently not)...
  4. Book of revelations ~ the things I reveal on the blog that ANYONE IN THE WORLD CAN READ continue to astound me. Pooing, peeing, dubious taste in music & tv. Good gravy. And that was the mild stuff. If you like this post you will love my boyband novel which I have blathered on about since the birth of (Jesus) this blog. I'm finally off my ass and being proactive with it. Thanks for the patience :P (On the plus side, it was a decent chart that week wasn't it?)
  5. Simon Curtis ~ ah my first review of Alter Boy way way back in 2006. I wasn't quite as wordy then as I am now (the 8 Bit Heart review is about 3 times as long), but it was the beginning of a 5 year obsession that saw me chart nearly every move Simon made. And then thankfully the world caught up in 2010. But I seriously have really enjoyed writing about Simon's music as much as I enjoy listening to it. Now put down the trader joes and bring out your new album already Mr C :P
Coming Sunday ~ the start of five more years of blogging?


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