Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Press has just finished first prelisten of Göteborg's songs and here I'm summarizing responses from Schlagerprofilerna and Tobbe Ek.

Brolle - "7 Days And 7 Nights" - radio-pop-rock in a style of Bon Jovi with slight rockabilly taste (not to scare public), closer to earlier Brolle's music (sort of "Playing with fire" with higher tempo), not heavy enough but taking into account Brolle's artistic experience and folk's love it can be delivered on a stage quite strong.

Loreen - "My Heart is Refusing Me" - it can be continuation of Jenny Silver's last year trend, modern hit-feeling light electro-track sounding like weird relative of "Stereo Love" or dance-remix of "Un-Break My Heart", some are gonna love him, some can not to understand it.

Babsan - "Ge mig en spanjor" - classic schlager in a style of "La Dolce Vita" (not as god as La Dolce Vita though), old-fashoned, simple, but very simple to remember, kids are gonna love it taking into account show Babsan can deliver.

Elisabeth Andreassen - "Vaken i en dröm" - mix of "I Evighet", "Gabriellas Song" and "Kristina fran Duvemala", massive Norwegian schlager-ballad with Helen Sjöholm feeling, though it feels like songwriters has got order to make copy of "I Evighet" but taking out all the most catchy moments of original. In 2011 it can be quite difficult to qualify.

Sanna Nielsen - "I'm in Love" - classic schlager-Sanna with modern produced "Vågar du så vågar jag" or lighter version of "Evighet" starting slowly like "What a Feeling" and then going dancey in chorus. After Jenny Silver's schlager and previous Sanna's entries this song doesn't feel like breakthrough, doesn't surprise.

The Moniker - "Oh My God!" - "Invinsible People" (MF-2005) in the mix with Rongedal and Mika with huge The Beatles and Cliff Richards-feeling. It's energetic and pure joy (of Le Kid's level), taking into account Idol-popularity of Daniel it can shoot well, also in contrast with classic schlager-stuff of Elisabeth and Babsan.

Anniela - "Elektrisk" - songwriters worked on previous Linda Bengtzing MF-songs and strong chorus of this electro-schlager feels very "Hur svårt kan det va?". As well it's like taking music of old dance bands like Drömhus, Freestyle and wrap it in modern production, it's hard not to sing along chorus and if Anniela can perform it as song itself it has a good chance.

Christian Walz - "Like Suicide" - classic Tony Nilsson's r'n'b-radio-ballad in a style of last Darin's album but with Christian falcetto it feels like new version of Salem, it's like You're out of my life meeting Keep on walking and if public will get Christian as new Salem it can go far.

I'm leaving you with new single-cover this time from Babsan above and song that is due to Eurovision-community is ripped by Danny (yeah, Eurovision fans do it every year). Actually it's funny as chorus really reminds Danny's one. What do you think?


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