Saturday, February 9, 2008

Thought I'd take the opportunity to check out last night's second Star Academy semi-final, which could only be better than last week's :0

Anyway it was Quentin versus Claire-Marie and watching the clips from the prime it was very clear from the start that C-M had no chance. Vocally she was flat on the opening number "Pour Que Tu M'aimes Encore" and wasn't too spectacular with Calogero on "Aussi Libre Que Moi". Both duetted on "Quand a Que L'Amour" - Quentin excelled here and for some reason he reminded me a bit of Thierry Amiel.

In between all that, finalist Mathieu was back to duet with Kylie on "Love At First Sight".
Christophe Willem! Double Je! C-M wearing her glasses again! It was like a Specsavers convention (and before you complain, I'm short-sighted and wear glasses sometimes too). This was good fun.

Kylie and Quentin: "Spinning Around". Quentin = star quality.

The instrumental test: "Qui A Le Droit". Inevitably the old Bruel classic gets wheeled out at least once per series. This time Q & C-M were tested not just on their vocal but instrumental abilities. Q on piano, C-M on violin. A very nice duet.

Calogero & Mathieu: "En Apesanteur". I know I need to change the record now, but - Mathieu. Is.Just.Not.Good.Enough.Vocally.

Claire-Marie & Youssou N'Dour: "Seven Seconds". Sorry C-M but you are no Neneh Cherry. Youssou is always fab though.

Christophe Willem & Mathieu: "Quelle Chance". Ooh this has been all remixed in a nice electro-dancey way and suited Mathieu's vocals better than his Calogero duet. Christophe rules!

The evolution test: "Message Personnel" - Claire-Marie. She was very much at home on this which suited her vocal style - however nothing will ever convince me that she is anything more than a France Gall tribute act.

Micky Green & Quentin: "Oh". This electro-jazzy duet was just made for Quentin. At one point the camera focused on Claire-Marie, whose facial expression just's over, you win, I lose.

The evolution test: "Medley Rock" - Quentin. Great choice too - the crowd-pleasing Seven Nation Army and I Was Made For Loving You, even if this is not really his style - he is more at home on jazzy soulful tunes.

Anggun and Mathieu and I Muvrini: "Streets of Philadelphia". Strange choice, I’d have gone for "Cesse La Pluie" but hey that’s just me :)

The next test was the students’ own compositions: "Il y a je t’aime...", by Quentin was a rather typical intense piano-ballad, then on to Claire-Marie’s rather cheesy guitar-flavoured song, which, I have to say, was catchier.

Finally "Je Suis Venu Te Dire" was a nice duet to end with.

Result: 62% of the voters wanted Quentin in the final, and I agreed with them.

Friday 15th February 2008: The Final. Mathieu versus Quentin. The first ever all-male final in French Star Academy history. Who will win? Answers next Friday :-))


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