Tuesday, January 18, 2011

There is always a massive plethora of new acts and new music out there, that it is often very hard indeed to keep up. New acts need something to draw attention to them - sometimes that is an image or a clever song title or a bit of a gimmick. For me, it will always be a catchy hook no matter what genre the act likes to dabble in. Here are 2 that have caught my eye (not literally, though it is a bit bloodshot today) this very week who you might want to check out...


Imagine a group whose pop meets fuzzy modern rock is so incredibly addictive and moreish that their entire debut album plays like a greatest hits. Imagine elements of amazing band Garbage, delicious 80s synths and a front woman as compelling as Lady Gaga (only without the pork chop dress). Add some dance beats and deliriously wonderful melodies and you have five piece band known as The Vettes. They have a contagious zest for modern day celebrity and approach it with fun and enthusiasm on their brilliantly titled debut album "Plasticville". It's an album filled with clever lyrics (I personally love the song about L'il Wayne) and anthemic choruses (Give Em What They Want is a well deserved choice for single). They gently mock celebrity but make no bones about wanting to be part of that ludicrous culture. It's this self deprecating sincerity mixed with their fun factor that makes them an absolute riot to listen to and I can only imagine how joyful they are to see live. Totally brillopants and so worthy of your time. PS - while definitely a group full of lookers, Chad is a bit of a corker :)


Many a fine group has emerged from down under. My latest obsession is of course Amy Meredith, but now I have the Little Stevies to add to an ever growing list (what's going on with VanShe?) Not only do they provide me with a fine level of engaging musical goodness, but i've spent many an hour on their interactive website this week, watching video diaries of their various shenanighans over the past 12 months. It's their hard work and musical talent that has paid off - they've won various grants over the past year to help them tour and promote their music internationally. The results of that are a brand new single entitled Feel It. It's a beautifully ethereal track that matches solid, percussive acoustic beats with a strumming guitar. Melodically it's all kept together by a quirky and effective female vocal in the verses and lovely harmonies during the chorus. The video is a hoot too, with the band undertaking various dance routines while getting their groove on. And all in one take! Marvelous. Oh and dude watch? The waistcoat wearing guitarist is a tall drink of water :)

Weds ~ revitalising dormant album campaigns part one; Thurs ~ Morning Jolt!!


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