Thursday, January 13, 2011

Has everyone calmed down about Britney going dub-step yet? I have to say I'm warming to it by the second. Still, for when you've stopped holding it against me there are plenty other tasty treats out there for you to feast your pop chops on. Here are 3 of the most recent that could just explode like a giant party popper in 2011...

Neo ~ Underground: Remember Neo? He had an extremely delightful debut album out in 2009 that was filled with swarthy pop gems like Higher, Bachelor, Super Flower Power Girl and the insanely addictive cover of You Make Me Feel Like Dancing. It was enough to leave you breathless and giddy for more. Then there was more - a cane-swirling performance at melodifestivalen 2010 of a brand new track called Human Frontier, which was sort of a hyper disco dance thumper Rocket Man for a new generation. All this makes Neo's brand new single from his forthcoming second album a bit of a surprise. It's a mid-tempo gothic tinged ballad with more of a rock edge than some of his previous singles. It's all very haunting, atmospheric and moody, and totally works. Neo's vocals positively soar during the chorus and by the end of the track you find yourself wanting more more more. Lovely live rendition above (LOVING Neo in braces!) and check out the video here...

The Scarletz ~ Messed Up: Are you ready to experience something rather delicious and more-ish, a bit like your first Cadbury's Creme Egg of the year? That is what the debut single from hot girl group du jour, The Scarletz (website here), is like. A pseudo-reggae-lite jam that at time evokes memories of Ace of Base, is lined with some sumptuous horns, coated with the odd delightful intricate piano interlude and bounces along nicely thanks to the darkness of that terrific chorus that worms its way into your head and refuses to let go. It's a brilliant tune that has you singing along after just one listen. And is that a cymbal I hear in there? There are not enough cymbals in pure pop tunes... Herbal teas on me when you pass thru Brum :)

The Ultra Girls ~ Get The Party Started/Song 2: OK, now THIS is a mash-up. X Factor often thinks that a medley of two songs is a mash up. It's not. A mash up is placing one song over the template of another - in this case the genius melding of P!nk's Get This Party Started over the rollicking Song 2 by Blur. Power up, ultra girls because you are now entering Riot Grrrrl territory and it's a heady mix of rawking out with the devil horn fingers intertwined with poplicious vocals that show they can tackle multiple genres and make it sound feisty. Works incredibly well and shows how deserved that tour slot with Kylie is. Can't wait for their first single proper to be released :) PS, there is a naughty but nice interview with the girls over at DSTP!


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