Friday, August 3, 2007

I've met many Deb fans over the years, including some really great people like Paul1, Robina, Jims, Jordi, Kate and Mishtika. Billy is one of my favourites however, and we seem to have quite similar music tastes, he constantly has some very entertaining pictures up of nights out on his myspace, and has a quite charming boyfriend called Kerry (who I have yet to have the pleasure of meeting seeing as an ocean separates us, but am still working on my Billy and Kerry come to England campaign!!) Billy sent me this story of his EY Musical experience, which was just so delightful and funny to read, I had to ask if I could put it up here, and he kindly consented. Thank you very much young William. I can't wait to come to Florida and abuse your Banana Republic discount card :P

Electric Youth The Musical – a fan’s story

(By Billy Wells)

"Well, obviously, I went to Orlando to see the Electric Youth musical. I was in Nashville for the opening weekend, so I was all sad that I wouldn't get to be there and meet her again. But luckily, after we got back from Tennessee, I read online that she was going to be back in Orlando for the upcoming weekend as well. A choir of angels sang in my head. I was thrilled. So I immediately told Kerry of our newly-formed plans. I got off work a little early that day and took Kerry and my sister Sandi and we drove to Orlando for the night. The show was good, to my surprise. I had figured it might be a bit too cheesy and just kind of stupid. It was indeed cheesy, but I did like it. Loved the songs, of course. Kerry and Sandi thought it was just an okay show, but were pleased to sit there and watch me with a dumb smile on my face the entire night. Deb was sitting at a table off to the right of us, and we were in the back in the center. She got up and left her table and went backstage for the intermission, and our table decided to partake in some wine. Mmmm, wine. So we were all in good spirits by the time the 20 minute or so intermission was over. When Deb came back to take her seat at her table, I gave a big ol' wave, which she saw, and waved back at me. I was in heaven!

Our table got lively during the second act (thanks to the wine). We got the whole room to clap for a few songs. (It was a rather stuffy crowd, I must say...I thought it would be a much more fun group). When the show was over, I waited a while (like the stalker I am) and had Kerry go with me over to her table that she had been sitting at. I am a completed freak because I took a picture of the seat she was sitting in because it still had fresh butt imprints on it! So now I have a picture of Deborah Gibson's butt imprint on a seat! ha ha! I then sat down in her seat and held her glass that I had been seeing her sipping and took a picture with it.

After the show, we set out to meet her. I went to buy some merchandise. The woman working the merchandise counter had been inside the show and kept staring at me the entire night. I mean STARING. She wouldn't stop. When she first saw me, she opened her mouth, covered it, and went over to a group of other people and they all kept looking. When I got to the merchandise table, she said "sorry I kept staring at you inside the show." I said something like "yeah, I was wondering what was going on because you wouldn't stop." She told me that she thought I was one of the Nelson twins (remember them from the 80s?) Apparently, one of them was supposed to be in attendance that night and she thought I was him. Now maybe it's just me, but I think I look NOTHING like Matthew or Gunner Nelson. Anyway, we laughed and I ended up taking a picture with her because she was fun.
(This has become much longer than I expected already!)

Then we made our way into the room with Deb. I let Kerry and Sandi go meet her first and everything they got autographed, they got her to address it to Billy instead of themselves. They told her of my obsession with her and she laughed. Then it was my turn and I just told her how much I loved her and that she was my all-time favorite and that we drove down to

Orlando from Jacksonville just for the show. She made some kind of mention about her father living close to Jacksonville. I didn't fully get that story because I was on cloud nine and I don't fully remember everything that was said because I'm a dork. She was sooooo nice and fun. We chatted for a minute and then we left. A little while later, we decided to try our luck again in order to get a group picture (because we had only taken individual pictures with her earlier). I thought I might be pressing my luck to go back in, but as soon as I walked in, she said "Billy's back!" I was so impressed that she remembered my name. I'm sure she's forgotten in by now, but at least at that time, she remembered my name! We took two group pictures because my camera flashes like 5 times and she started to move after the first flash in the first picture. She was so sweet and said "oh no, we have to take another one because I moved!" She put her head on my shoulder and her arm around my waist. LOVED IT! Overall, she was amazing (as always) and was so genuine and nice. Can't wait to meet her again!"

Thanks Billy for letting me share :)


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