Monday, February 26, 2007

Along with a plethora of other quality blogs (XO, Chartrigger, Robopop, Pinkie, Digital Technique, Slippy Disco, both Dans, etc.) I visit Poppostergirl daily to see what words of wisdom she has up her sleeve for me. Being quite enigmatic adds to her mystery and I often call her google girl or veronica mars for her ability to mine quality pop from every conceivable country and in every conceivable language. Apart from keeping an eye on BWO, I've never paid attention to Melodifestivalen or whatever it's called but this year, i've lived it vicariously through PPG and fallen in love with the following three songs...

~ Mans, Cara Mia: PPG likes the boy (eye) candy almost as much as I do - maybe more. So i have to thank her for bringing the visually quite pleasing Mans into my peripheral vision. Not only is he a little bit RAR, but he can turn a song with a title as potentially dodgy as this one into a storming piece of classic europop that is almost as equally delicious as he is. I haven't heard much else from the fella, but hopefully he will continue in such an edible direction...
~ Magnus, Live Forever: Anything that pays such homage to the amazing sound of A-Ha has got to be pretty special. In fact if you put this in a mash up with the A1 version of Take On Me, it would probably be a pretty seamless transition. Now this is the sort of pop that i miss with an aching passion. Plus I am still pretty enamoured with his Christmas swedish album and can't wait to hear some more English Language stuff from the dude :)
~ Andreas, Move: Now i've finally stopped spinning his Lovegun ( :O ) I can move on this inspiring little piece. Less europop than the two above, this is like a male version of Emma Bunton's Free Me album, simmered with some Cathy Dennis Am I The Kinda Girl songs and flambayed with some early Abba tunes. In other words, it's pretty darn marvelous. I could eat it for breakfast. But i just had my marks and spencers croissants, so i'll pass...


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