Thursday, October 23, 2008
It's been a funny old week so far. Underpants on display. Straining women giving me shockosity. Kidney pains continue to run sporadically up and down my body causing me to pee like a race horse. Continuing to be in work. Spending far too long waiting for a train home from Wakefield (Rhubarb capital of England people!) on a freezing cold platform. I now have a horrible cough to top everything else off. I feel blue. And if there is one thing guaranteed to cheer me up when blue it is the always gorgeous voice of Karen Carpenter singing one of my all time favourite songs. Look past the frightful white suit with matching boots, and just wallow in the pitch perfect, vocally excellent delivery of this wistful ballad that if sung on Idol or X Factor today would absolutely blow away the competition. Though to be fair, Leon Jackson's stylist would probably revel in the fashion choice... I think it's the simplicity of it all that appeals to me. There are no gimmicks, no studio trickery, just gorgeous vocals and Richard's always luscious piano work. Colour me unfashionable if you will, but sometimes you just need to be in love to make the day feel just that little bit better...
OTHER THINGS HUGGING ME TODAY:The finale of the manipulative Hairspray: The School Musical was actually quite lovely. The kids put on an amazing show and belted out the joyous final number You Can't Stop The Beat with such vigour and vim that it was easy to forget they weren't seasoned professionals. And that song always makes me happy. Plus at the end, it had the pathos of them perhaps learning for the first time in their life that things do come to an end; it's sad when they do and sometimes that experience will never be repeated or replicated. I remember when I finished summer camp for the third year in New York and I knew I wouldn't be going back for a fourth year - it was incredibly hard to let go of that experience. Especially reading a card from all the kids there that had the words in "it's hard to say goodbye and let go/it's hard to see it end/when the memories that we made/will never happen again/ but it's harder for time to ever erase/the forever times we shared/so when we're apart remember/all the fun we had together..." I'm pretty sure they stole it from chicken soup for the soul or something (:P) but it makes me teary thinking about it 10 years later :(
I had a lovely email from a friend of mine today checking in to see how I was... he also recommended Boa's Eat Me Up and pointed me in the direction of johnnyali's blog for the video. It certainly made me smile at the thought of him dancing along in front of the mirror to it :P Singing into his hairbrush no doubt ;)
The fact that Same Difference and Simon Curtis (two of my biggest pop obsessions) are on the cusp of absolute stratospheric stardom...
Finally, spying one of my fave aussie bloggers at the very back of Boyz magazine, where all the good rent boy ads are. With nothing to promote but his trashtastic taste in music Mike gets the whole fricking page to himself. And some classy adverts. Magnif :) Adem and Aaron, what are you waiting for ;)
PS ~ Adem and DanUK; i just caught up on True Blood 4&5. Laughed my ass off at Jason's side effects to V. Am totally loving Tara. Hating the ending to episode 5 though :(
Labels: the carpenters. hairspray