Really I should be gushing how you shouldn't really underestimate the new Sugababes album despite what you have heard, or how the new Saturdays album is only a little bit good, or how the Pink album is actually tres bon indeed and in a much more immediate way than I'm Not Dead. Instead I'm feeling achey and under the weather and still going to work. I am a matyr to the cause. In fact last night, I had to stay in Preston (the place, not the Ordinary Boy). Preston as a place really only comes up in conversation with London runaways ("Where have you run away from?" "Preston" etc) so the 2 days couldn't pass quickly enough for me. I was slightly cheered on the way by multiple posters wishing me a safe trip home. I was particularly drawn to the swirling colours (positively epilepsy inducing when whizzing past a platform on a virgin [train not the other sort]) and finally worked out that I had to visit
this video to get some jolly pleasant music played to me. I felt positively relaxed after that. Has anyone else seen them??
POP: And the rather brilliant Same Difference photo shoots just keep on coming. In the cover to their single (the excellent We Are One), they have clearly stolen the couch from the 50s diner they visited for their
album cover. There is clearly something about the 50s because much like the hopped up on goof balls car at the end of Grease, this couch can fly. Sean seems to be taking it in his letterman jacket stride, but Sarah looks proper giddy. Their
official website says they have finished the video (quite important) and that it has dance routines in it (excessively important). I am positively kvelling...
NON-POP: After staying overnight in dingy Preston, I had to give a presentation with some colleagues to the local council over some business we wanted. The presentation went very well, only I had forgotten to give them their handouts, which were in my overnight bag. I pulled them out, all presented nicely in little binders only to have my bright yellow aussie bum undies fall on the floor. Mortifying doesn't even begin to cover it... :(POP: Leon Jackson is currently in the middle of one brilliant song on a mediocre swing-esque album shocker. You will probably love Right Now if you are into Michael Buble and his "ilk", but if you want something quite good that doesn't get as boring as quickly as Don't Call This Love then check out Creative. Yes, it don't mean a thing if you ain't got that swing, but Leon pulls this one out of the bag and there are some lovely piano, hand clappy bits and a slightly quirky chorus. Almost brillo. Second single or someone needs a proper slap. NON-POP: Toilets are virgin trains are much cleaner and more useable than they used to be. And the locking system is almost foolproof. Unless you are the old lady who forgot to lock it, only to have me open the door and see her in the world's most undignified position with a look on her face that was cross between a deer caught in the headlights and a deer caught doing something else (I'm not sure what but something naughty no doubt). She was definitely, um, 'straining'. I feel mentally and visually scarred. POP: Oh I am way way way behind on this one, but I only just discovered the Pet Shop Boys version of the Madness classic My Girl. Is it me, or do the PSBs only have to look at a song and it instantly turns into a PSB sounding classic. I wasn't bowled over by their most recent album, but I love this and they seem to have lots of good things coming up (see XO and DLuv). And if the Loving Kind isn't the second single from the new Girls Aloud album then I will probably instantly spontaneously combust. I'm not promising anything though!Back when I feel a little bit better :) Possibly with something on the Hairspray the School Musical Finale, the new take that video, or some album reviews.