Going to Dusseldorf tomorrow with faithful travelling companion. Reasonably organised, just a couple of last-minute bits of packing to do.
I'm still on this euphoric high, what with everything that happened in Gothenburg, and then my training course at work was a big success. A couple of amazing - although emotionally draining - weeks.
So now it's onto a more 'conventional' holiday, our annual spring break. I'm looking forward to returning to Germany again, and needless to say I'll post my travel diaries here.
After my return home I'm planning a bit of a relaunch for this blog: with things finally winding down over at Planet Salem I'll be able to devote more time to EuropeCrazy. This blog will be back on Saturday 9 May - appropriately Europe Day, so it will be 'EuropeCrazy Day' on here :)
In the meantime take care everyone...and I'll see you all back here next weekend!