Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hello everyone. Time for the mid week update special - purely because the US tv "season" has come to a close, and seeing as I watch so much of it I should probably do some sort of wrap up! As I do this, I am of course listening to Hotel Rival's Second Best To None (a-freaking-gain) purely because it is almost a pilot for a tv show itself. And if not then it is probably the ideal x factor finalists charity single for November (and so much better than a cover of Hero, n'est pas?). Anyway, as I so often do, I digress. So what of this tv "season"? Well at least it was more consistent than the strike-ridden last season, which I still hold responsible for killing (or at least gravely wounding) one of my favourite shows. So here is a brief run down of what shone, what stunk and everything in between...
SPECIAL MENTION: Of course I have to mention my fave tv movie this season - Spectacular. Entirely enjoyable from start to finish and completely responsible for my current obsession of youtubing show choir versions of pop songs. And of course it featured Simon Curtis singing away in gold lame. What's not to love?! And while I (im)patiently wait for Spec2, there was quite an amusing episode of Hannah Montana this week featuring Simon. Now, despite loving See You Again and 7 Things, I've never taken the time to watch anything HanMontan, but for Simon i made an exception - I was surprised by actually how amusing (in a Saved By The Bell sort of way) the show is. The main scene that features Miley lusting after Simon is quite delightfully OTT, particularly when things start reminding Simon's character of his ex. Jenny! Artichoke Dip!! Check it out if you can :)
Shows that have lost their shine ~ I'm almost done with some of my old favourites. It's lucky that Prison Break finished this year (although a 2 hour wrap up movie has it's world premiere on Sky tv next week!) - i mean it was always a bit bonkers and illogical, but the third and fourth season really just took the piss. Ace for high octane thrills, rubbish if you wanted anything to make sense. And by god but Heroes and Ugly Betty became virtually unwatchable this year. Heroes may have won me back with the re-addition of Bryan "Pushing Daisies" Fuller and an interesting finale, but i think I'm dunzo with Betty. She has fast become the most unlikeable character on tv since righteous Krystle Carrington :(
Shows I might have left too late to get into ~ on behalf of my many friends who watch it and keep trying to convince me to watch it, thanks NBC for renewing Chuck. Yet it's one of those shows I keep meaning to watch but still haven't gotten around to. Also in that "interests me conceptually" category are 30 Rock (Adam Levine was in the freaking finale. ADAM LEVINE!), Friday Night Lights (with secret crush Kyle Chandler) and How I Met Your Mother (with Deb Gibson gal pal Dougie Howser!). If you were to recommend the dvds of just one, which would you go for?!
Shows I will be watching this summer ~ I do not trust US tv executives. Clearly most of them are stupid. In Britain (where admittedly we have shorter series runs), a show is rarely cut off midway through it's proposed run. The folks at Fox, CBS, NBC, CW and ABC just can't wait to throw the axe. So sometimes I am attracted to the idea of a show, but get this sense that it may not be long for this world. And as I am still mourning classic tv like Freaks and Geeks, Undeclared, Jack and Bobby et al I am cautious with my choices and often wait til a renewal notice comes through - that way I can either watch knowing a second season is a-coming, or at least be pre-warned I'm in it for only a set number of episodes. This year I totally didn't trust Fox to renew Dollhouse, but they totally did so I will be bugging DanUK and Adem with my opinions on it this summer. Ditto as I catch up on the Veronica Mars filled Party Down and mad as a box of frogs United States of Tara. And of course I am very excited about finally getting into Fringe :) I'm unconvinced by megasmash The Mentalist though - not sure I'm a CBS guy :P
Shows that totally have my attention for next season ~ Flash Forward, V, Eastwick, the amazing Glee (which aired after AI last night and was insanely and very "me") and possibly Day One and Happy Town (which sounds a bit Eureka doesn't it?)...
TOP TEN USA TV SHOWS OF THE 2008-2009 SEASON10 ~ True Blood (HBO): Based on the actually very charming Sookie Stackhouse books, this HBO was everything Twilight should have been - sexy, funny, scary, dramatic and kinda romantic without ramming it down your throat. I'm suffering a Twilight backlash, so this nighttime soap is the perfect antidote. Bring on season 2...
09 ~ The Office (NBC): Oh, it's all (and always has been) about Jim and Pam. They are just too darn adorable together. Plus it continues to be one of the funniest observational shows on television on what used to be Must See Thursday...
08 ~ The Tudors (Showtime): Clearly getting more historically inaccurate by the day (Henry isn't getting fat, he just has a gammy leg) but a decent dramatic portrayal of my favourite era of history ever is always enhanced by the presence of Henry Cavill (yummers) who this season is all tormented by his king-ordered murderous deeds. Meanwhile, Henry is romping through wives and is already entertaining a fourth - the brilliantly cast unlikeable Joss Stone who plays the unlikeable Anne of Cleves. Ace. Final year though next year :(
07 ~ Grey's Anatomy (ABC): Once my favourite show, it then got all mired in the homophobia and tiresome Katherine Heigl moaning about wanting to be a movie star. Oh and bad writing. The Denny's ghost storyline, though explained, was still extremely unnecessary. But when it delivers it delivers, and the final batch of episodes were just brillo. Meredith having 007 written on her hand was just jaw dropping. And the whole show is still infinitely better than it's spin off (despite that having a killer cliffhanger...)
06 ~ Reaper (The CW): By this time tomorrow, Reaper may be in hell. It's not looking good with Sock having defected to a comedy. On FOX! I mean for crying out god's sake, how long do they usually last?! Smartly written, funny, well acted and always enjoyable, this was always the little show that could on The CW and while 90210 got all the media attention this year, this little gem is what people should have been watching :( I'll be tres sad if it goes...
05 ~ Greek (ABC Family): Greek sort of crept up on me and took me unawares. While Felicity and Undeclared remain the greatest college tv shows of all time, this is not far behind. Seeing as we don't have fraternities and sororities in the UK, i'm always fascinated by them and this show continues to be hilarious and heartbreaking all at the same time. Jesse McCartney was a decent cast addition but it's Max and Casey that have my heart. PS, this show sneaks in some of the funniest one liners - comedy writers could do a lot worse than to learn from these guys :P
04 ~ Brothers and Sisters (ABC): It can veer towards the sudsy side of soap on occasions but generally it's brilliantly written and wonderfully acted. Holly has to be the most understated villain on tv (a stark contrast to the hyper Wilhemena on Ugly Betty) and it's easy to see why Tommy wanted rid. The addition of Ryan as the latest bastard to join the clan has been intruiging and frankly who wouldn't want to boff Park Guy after how moody Rob Lowe has been lately? Funniest moment? Kevin and Scotty getting all passionate at the thought of a threesome :)
03 ~ Lost (ABC): If it pulls off it's final season next year with the same skill it has year five, then Lost may well end up not only as one of the best shows of the millenium, but one of the best shows on tv ever. While I constantly feel like I need to be taking notes, it's rich and textured story telling is full of easter eggs and hints that are now starting to pay off. The finale had some strange character interactions but ultimately bought on a bit of a game changer for the islanders before they soprano'd our asses with that white screen fade out. 2010 seems SO far away!!
02 ~ Gossip Girl (The CW): Six-seven years ago, this list would have been full of WB shows including Everwood, Felicity, Gilmore Girls and Buffy. Either i've grown up or the quality on that network has gone right down hill. Luckily Gossip Girl is more than which guy you would like to spaffle on (current winner: slutty Nate) and is a veritable melting pot of teen hormones, switching partners, unfeasible dilemmas, hot DILFS (hello Rufus) and the lovely voice of Veronica Mars. Yes it's all a bit bonkers and yes it's for teenage girl but I care not. I'm entirely hooked. OMFGG!
01 ~ Pushing Daisies (ABC): Sob. It came. It saw. It sadly didn't conquer. What it did do was bring a whimsical fairy story to life in a beautifully colourful and vivid way. Not only was the entire cast top notch, but the story telling whisked you away from the worries of life on a weekly basis (at least til ABC yanked it and the poor americans are still waiting for the final 3 eps that the UK aired in April). Seeing Ned and Charlotte find inventive ways to touch, smooch and hold each other was a delight. Hated the bodged together ending, would have preferred an open ended cliffhanger over that! Still, any show that has all of the above, plus a fascination with plurals (Darling Mermaid Darlings, C'ouer de C'oeurs, Boutique Travel Boutique) and Kristin singing Eternal Flame is a-ok with me. Am I mad at ABC for cancelling it - not really, i'm just pleased they allowed 22 episodes of quirky goodness into my life! Now bring on the zombie filled comics :)
Honourable mentions: Desperate Housewives; Dexter; Kyle XY; Supernatural; Smallville
What are your thoughts?!
Labels: Gossip Girl, Lost, pushing daisies, Simon Curtis, Spectacular, tv times