Erik Grönwall, the winner of Idol-2009, in a few months after his victory and debut cover-album releases follow-up "Somewhere Between A Rock And A Hard Place". I should mention that first album "Erik Grönwall" held the first place of album-chart around a month that is not weak at all for Swedish Idol's winner and the winning single "Higher" was holding 6 weeks on the first place of single-chart also. Can new album achieve the same success? We will know very soon, album is already in sale and you can taste the pieces of it below. How we could suppose it's a completely rock-album, you won't find here such a modern pop-songs like "Higher" but you'll find a lot of 80s and 90s rock-songs perfectly suiting Erik's voice from set of brilliant songwriters like Joey Tempest (Europe), Sharon Vaughn, Michel Zitron, Max Martin, David Stenmarck, Brian McFadden, Johan Becker, Jörgen Elofsson, Andreas Carlsson, Paul Stanley (Kiss), Epicentre, Nicke Borg (Backyard Babies) and many others. Well, check and judge yourself!