Monday, May 3, 2010

How do you follow last night? By spending the day on cloud nine, floating over Gothenburg in a bubble of happiness....And even though the rain has finally come to Gothenburg, do you know what? It doesn't matter. Even in the rain, the city still looks very special.

After breakfast, we head out for a walk and later end up back in Nordstan, where once again they're taking to the catwalk to the same old Melodifestivalen soundtrack! Faithful travelling companion has suddenly developed an interest in fashion? Or just some of the young ladies modelling the clothes....

Today was all about relaxing and strolling around, and it wasn't long till we were stopping for lunch - breaking my beef ban so that we could be reunited with köttbullar once again - that's meatballs to you and me :) Accompanied, as ever, by boiled potatoes and lingonberry sauce. Accompanied by - wait for it - melon and mint flavoured Swedish cider. Yum!

The rain had cleared by early afternoon, so after lunch it was time to retrace our steps again to a part of the city which we'd first discovered last year. The Haga quarter of Gothenburg is reasonably easy to reach by foot from the city centre, and is always well worth a visit. It's packed with little speciality shops and cafes, and perfect to pass an hour or two - stopping off for coffee of course! Faithful travelling companion makes the observation that there is no-one over 25 years old in any of the cafes in Haga. Today, he's right. We're both feeling very old :P

We spend some more time exploring the city on foot before heading back to the hotel to get some packing done and get ready for going out tonight. On our way back, I spotted this sign near Trädgårdsföreningen. And yes, I know it means 'exit' and nothing to do with breaking wind :)))

Saturday night in Gothenburg is reasonably lively. I just wish I could rewind 24 hours though, so that I was going to see Salem at the Konserthuset again! We have dinner at a nice little Italian restaurant in a back street (I can't remember the name of it, but it's near Kyrkogatan) and manage to miss out on '"Earth Hour" which was being eagerly promoted during our Swedish trip. After pizza and wine, we head back up to Avenyn, where the restaurants and bars are packed. Being creatures of habit, we're back at the bar at Lilla London, which has a reasonably relaxed atmosphere, Jason Mraz and Jack Johnson on the jukebox, and I end the night with a Kopparbergs pear cider whilst faithful travelling companion has a Swedish beer.

On our way back to the hotel, I have mixed emotions - extreme happiness because it's been such a wonderful weekend, but also some sadness that it will probably be my last Swedish trip for a while. Until the next one of course, whenever that will be!
I'm not going to bother writing too much Sunday, as this mainly involved travelling home, but on the way to the airport I spotted this roadsign, which made me chuckle (and before you ask, yes I know it means speed-bumps!!)

But I can't finish without mentioning two notable things about Gothenburg City Airport: 1) It's a neat little airport, but as hardcore coffee lovers, both faithful travelling companion and myself agree that it now holds the title for selling the worst cup of coffee we've ever tasted; and 2) we like the gift shop though - it's very good, the prices are reasonable, and I couldn't resist buying another moose to add to my collection. Moose-naming can be pretty stressful of course, so this time my mum made the decision for me - she named him.....Salem !! Still I suppose they have a lot in common as they're both Swedish, cute and loveable :))

Now I'd better start saving up my kronor for my return to Gbg, sometime in the future....


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