Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I have just spent an inordinate amount of time stuck on a jam packed train with rowdy scottish football hooligans, all singing terrace chants and something about some bird taking it up the 'arris. I tried to ooze heterosexual interest but really when you have a chubby man's breast in your face, your lip does tend to curl in distaste. So I have come home to write about some classy new pop tunes I've been listening to - and all with gorgeously vocalled female singers... Let's start off with my increasingly beloved (by me and lots of other people) Oh Laura. They may well be my favourite new act of 2008 and certainly are one of my top five albums of the year. Something about that voice, the haunting instrumentation and the sheer emotion running through each and every song has me quivering for more. So I couldn't be more thrilled that the lovely Release Me is soundtracking a car ad (and got everyone wondering "whose that band?") and much more importantly that they have recorded a stunning new song for new BritFlick The Waiting Room. Entitled Waiting For You, it was co-written with Tim Rice and has this great "earthy" value to it, as the song flows naturally rather than being reliant on over production. Once again the band merges seamlessly with the vocal and all float gently powered by raw anguish and longing. I'm always slightly stunned by the beauty of the vocal delivery and how it is used as an instrument to add dimensions to the song. Hopefully this will turn Oh Laura from a cult fave to a household name...
LINK: Oh Laura facebook / bebo / iLike I always kinda root for the underdog. Not that I think Alannah Myles is a dog, but i followed her career way beyond her huge hit Black Velvet, and always dug her raspy vocals and bluesy music. I guess she was quite big in Canada, and after sometime off has a new album out with a trippy version of Black Velvet on it. Imagine the powerful vocal of the original with a shuffling "Justify My Love" type beat behind it and you are pretty much there. I'm not always a big fan of remakes but this one is working out well for me, and the eastern tinge to the production gives it a nice hazy feel. The album isn't too bad either (though far from perfect!)
LINK: Alannah Myles website
Other songs by ladeez worthy of your time
- Sandi Thom ~ Devil's Beat
- Cyndi Lauper ~ Set Your Heart
Certainly not worthy of anyone's time (despite my v brief seduction by it. I was bewitched!)
- Katy Perry ~ Ur So Gay
- Katy Perry ~ I kissed a girl (Stick with Jill Sobule)
Labels: alannah myles, miley cyrus, oh laura, single selection