Monday, November 5, 2007
- Just a sordid quickie today people as I only just got back from London and I need to go be the primary caregiver (more on that in a moment…)
- People on the tube are weird. Although I totally relate to one guy who was ashamed he bought his clothes from Primark so he was busy shoving them into his Zara bag. It could’ve been worse, he could have shopped at Peacocks.
- Even worse was the woman who was picking her nose and wiping them on the page of the book she was reading. It was pretty vile though I could not look away.
- The conference I was at was about the future of social care in England and it’s slightly nerdy that I find it really inspiring and exciting.
- Lunch was delicious.
- Getting a text from darren to say his suspected hernia was lumpy, hard and painful was not delicious, especially as I was still four hours away from coming home.
- Despite being in lots of pain, having a cough that hurts his weird tummy lump everytime he does and having a slight raging temperature, he still found time to decorate a cookie for me to say thanks for looking after me. No that is not a tear in my eye, it’s dust…
- How dare you insinuate our house is dusty. It is very clean thank you very much. DazPatient4Ever and I are very houseproud. Our main Mrs Kadrinski from Molly Maid does a wonderful job
- I am obsessed with Christian from A1’s solo album and a super new pop-country act called Oh Laura. More on them tomorrow l’il dudes.
- Simpsons tree house of horror was a bit rubbish this year. A parody of Mr and Mrs Smith? Oh how cutting edge…
- However, the Pushing Daisies halloween episode was delightfulness personified. Although it just made me incredibly eager for their Christmas episode! Woo hoo!
- Smallville has also got slightly good again. Not only was their an incredible save from a car crash in the opening few minutes (must be thrilled there is a writers strike as that will have taken all their budget!) but hints of Superman to be were finally laid with a nice shot of a red cloth blowing in the wind. Like kisses.
- Ooo get me with a Paula Abdul reference.
- Then i had to deal with a call from my mom who said she is worried about identity theft and so is shredding everything. Credit card bills, her credit card, my fourth grade report card, my grade 8 piano certificate. If her memory loss gets worse there will soon be no evidence in the house of who she is!! Good lord
- I better go to bed as I have a long day tomorrow too! At least that means i can listen to new albums again on the drive oop north, where allegedly it is grim.
- Sorry about the adam pics everyone. i really liked them, but you all seemed terrified
Oh and Cat says thanks for the best wishes. She is getting over the trauma of a dentists drill exploding in her mush :O
Labels: Snap Crackle (Fizzy) Pop
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