Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Finland och Lettland: En personlig recension och mina tidigare favoriter
0 comments Posted by ai at 5:21 AMSusan och Johanna är vanligtvis medlemmar i folkmusikgruppen Värttinä. I Oslo ska de framföra sin låt på finska vilket jag tycker är bra. Det passar bidragets karaktär. Nackdelen är att omvärlden kommer att vricka tungan på titeln och duons namn. Här blandas finsk folkmusik med csardas. Det är ritardandon, cimbalo, dragspel och två blonda tjejer med utstrålning. Årets instrument verkar bli dragspel och det märks tydligt i Työlki Ellää. Jag blir glad av låten och börjar omedvetet röra på sig. Det behövs en etno up-tempo låt som denna i finalen.
Medverkat i ESC: Sedan 1961 men ej åren 1970, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003
Bästa placering: 2006 då Lordi vann med ” Hard Rock Hallelujah”
Min personliga favorit: Om vi håller oss till 2000-talet så är det Laura med ”Addicted to you” från 2002. Från tidigare dato finns ett flertal såsom CatCat med ”Bye Bye Baby” från 1994, Monica Aspelund med ”Lapponia” från 1977. Fredi and The Friends från 1976 åstadkom i det närmaste en Europeisk skandal med sin sexiga låt ”Pump-pump”. Those were the days - idag förstår vi inte vad som var så sexigt med att bumpa rumporna mot varandra.
Lettland: Aisha ”What For?”. Startar som nr 6 i semifinal 1.
”What for are we living? Only Mister God knows”. Den till synes djupodlade texten i denna ballad backas upp av dragspel och en sångerska vars röst ständigt är på gränsen till falsksång. Egentligen är låten rätt okey men man borde ha valt en annan artist. Jag har inga förväntningar från ett live framträdande då det är knappt att Aisahs röst håller i en studioinspelning. Den är farligt nära att krackelera.
Medverkat i ESC: Sedan 2000
Bästa placering: 2002 Marie N vann med ”I Wanna”. Eventuellt kan kjolbytet ha medverkat till segern.
Min personliga favorit: ”My Star” med Brainstorm från debutåret 2000.
Källa/foto: eurovision.tv, YLE
Labels: Aisha, Brainstorm, Fredi and The Friends, Kuunkuiskaajat, Laura, Monica Aspelund
Monday, March 29, 2010
Snap, Crackle & (Fizzy) Pop: Weekly Catch Up 28th March 2010 - Sunday Afternoon Songs ft Judie Tzuke, Beverley Craven, Alexis Strum, Mariah & Miley!
0 comments Posted by ai at 7:05 AMEDIT: Sigh. This post was meant to go up on Sunday afternoon, which is why it is all about music that seems perfect for those wistful lazy afternoons when you just sit and reflect, but not in a particularly maudlin way. Then I fell asleep and finally got some rest after 3 nights of little sleep due to my ear infection. Frankly I feel much better for it, and let's face it these few songs are just as good on a Monday morning (plus it must be Sunday afternoon somewhere. Oh I just checked. It's not. Bugger)...
- Judie Tzuke ~ If: Sometimes a song comes along that is so breathtakingly beautiful in it's delivery and so exquisitely constructed in it's production, that it just makes you stop, become completely absorbed into the tune and marvel at it's magnificence. It's a heavenly ballad that relies on a stunning vocal and gorgeous melody to power the song forward and proof that sometimes, less is indeed more. I think I may actually weep...
- Beverley Craven ~ Rainbows: Remember Bev? She did the ever so lovely Promise Me many moons ago and has continued to sporadically churn out delicate, emotive piano pop ever since. This track is from her 2009 album, Close To You and is a delicious, uplifting little number that is bright, energetic and perky yet carries some meaningful lyrics under it's pop exterior. Ever so engaging and worthy of multiple listens.
- Mariah Carey ~ 100%: So is the Angels Advocate remix thingy not happening? Oh dear, etc. Still, this is one of the strongest Mariah tunes in quite a while and designed to totally appeal to me. Apparently it's something to do with the Vancouver Olympics so I'm clearly way behind on loving this, but it's schmaltzy sentimental inspiring lyrics and shuffling beat, combined with the ace chorus make it gold in my book :)
- Miley Cyrus ~ I Hope You Find It: Talking of schmaltzy and sentimental, Simon Cowell might as well stop looking for the next X Factor winner's song because here it is. A big bulging ballad from little Miley that is from her latest Disney movie and you can tell - it's a throwback to the showstopping numbers that used to soundtrack films and that you either love or hate. I, unsurprisingly, love it because I'm a big old softy at heart. PS ~ wouldn't it be even more magnificent if this year's X Factor winner did something like this (girl) or this (boy)...
- Alexis Strum ~ Bad Haircut: Sigh. Whatever happened to the lovely talented Alexis? I know she's done some songs for Diana Vicker's album, but no more solo stuff? That's a real shame, because Bad Haircut is one of those pop songs that stands the test of time and sounds just as brilliant and singalong now as it did 4 years ago. The rest of her album Cocoon is equally as brillopants and totally worthy of your time :)
21 ~ Boyzone, Gave It All Away
20 ~ Simon Curtis, Diablo
19 ~ Marina & The Diamonds, Hollywood
18 ~ Mika, Rain
17 ~ The Candle Thieves, We're All Gonna Die
16 ~ Diana Vickers, Once
15 ~ Alex Gardner, I'm Not Mad
14 ~ Donkeyboy, Ambitions
13 ~ Music Go Music, Light of Love
12 ~ Sergey Lazarev, Alarm
11 ~ Magnus Carlsson, A Little Respect
10 ~ Ola, Unstoppable
09 ~ Elouise, Fireman of my Dreams
08 ~ Bjorn Johan Muri, Yes Man
07 ~ Darin, You're Out Of My Life
06 ~ Alcazar, Headlines
05 ~ Neo, Human Frontier
04 ~ The Pipettes, Stop The Music (VID)
03 ~ Simon Curtis, Super Psycho Love
02 ~ Gabriella Cilmi, On A Mission
01 ~ Sophie Ellis Bextor, Bittersweet (2 weeks)
I söndags gav Sezen, “The Queen of Turkish Pop”, sin första konsert nånsin I Sverige och det var på håret att jag missade den, men tack vare en intervju i morgontidningen blev jag varse om evenemanget. Biljetterna till Cirkus hade sålt slut på två timmar, utan vanlig marknadsföring - enbart med hjälp av infospridning via Facebook. Rätt fascinerande och kostnadsbesparande i och med att inga pengar går till annonskampanjer. Trots detta lyckades jag fixa två biljetter. Ibland lönar det sig att vara ute i sista minuten.
Sezen äntrar scenen i en lång svart, slitsad klänning som kontrasterar till hennes blond hår. Nånstans hade jag förväntat mig en diva men så var det absolut inte. Hon konverserar med publiken och flirtar med sina musiker och teknikkillarna när mikrofonen strular.
Bandet består av en vokalist som också fick möjlighet att göra ett par solonummer samt åtta musiker. Ingen playback eller förprogrammerat sound. Jag blev speciellt imponerad av klarinettisten och gitarristen. Musikstilarna spänner från etno, jazz, latino och dramatisk ballader om olycklig kärlek. Utan att kunna ett ord turkiska så kan jag ändå förstå budskapet. Delvis tack vare en min trevlig granne som kommer med lite översättningar då och då. Det viktiga i livet är vänskap, kärlek, att ha kul men också med en allvarlig underton såsom mänskliga rättigheter.
Sezens popularitet är odiskutabel och hon har influerat och samarbetet med flertalet turkiska artister. Förutom Sertab så skrev hon lyriken till Tarkans megahit “Simarik” (Kiss Kiss). Hon sägs också vara en inspirationskälla till många turkar runtom i världen. För några timmar var jag en del av detta sammanhang utan att förstå ett ord av språket. Fascinerande och fantastiskt.
Lite fakta:
Sezen startade sin karriär 1975 och har sålt mer än 40 miljoner album. Hon deltog i Turkiets uttagningen till Eurovision vid tre tillfällen:
1983 med "Heyamola" tillsammans med Coşkun Demir och Ali Kocatepe
1984 som soloartist och låten "1945"
1985 i duett med Özdemir Erdoğan i låten "Küçük Bir Aşk Masalı" (A Little Love Tale)
Här kan du lyssna på några av hennes låtar:http://www.sezenaksu.com.tr/sezeneng/default.aspx
Source: Svd, Wikipedia, pastan.nu, www.biyografi.info/kisi/sezen-aksu
Labels: Sertab, Sezen Aksu, Tarkan
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I'm back from Sweden, from a rather fabulous weekend which included an updated contender for the best night of my life :)
Review of the concert to follow tomorrow at Planet Salem, once I gather all my thoughts and emotions together in a reasonable, logical place :)
Review of the rest of the trip to follow on here at some point soon, likewise :))
But in time-honoured tradition, here is my list of the songs which reminded me of my travels....
Keep On Walking - Salem Al Fakir: if this weekend was all-Salem, all-the-time, then thanks to the combination of Rix FM, Mix Megapol and P3, they ensured that I was never more than half an hour away from the theme song of my weekend....!
Manboy - Eric Saade: this went from being ever so slightly irritating around the time of MF, to being one of those songs which had us dancing around the hotel room. Even MF-hating faithful travelling companion was singing it by the end of the weekend :)
Kom - Timoteij: talking of whom, he's singing this non-stop too! I know it's probably wrong, but I like it too and I'm not ashamed to say it!!
Bad Romance - Lady GaGa: my other theme song of the weekend...I totally love this song and can't get enough of it!
You're Out Of My Life - Darin: one of the other major radio hits to come out of this year's MF.
Unstoppable - Ola: ditto. All over the radio, and I still like it :) Unfortunately I also heard a completely inappropriate remix of it at one point. I usually like these Swedish radio station remixes but that one didn't work for me :(
Whataya Want From Me - Adam Lambert: thankfully Sweden is really getting into him now - it's still to happen over here, but when it does it will be massive....
Walking In Memphis - Calle Kristiansson: a few months on from Idol and this is still getting lots of airplay. There's a remix of this too, and it's quite good.
Higher - Erik Gronwall: still getting airplay too.
All The Right Moves - OneRepublic: this seems to be doing pretty well, which is more than can be said for here in the UK when it was mainly ignored.
I'm Alive - Star Pilots: some good quality dance music, which you'd expect from them by now.
One more thing.....even though I had the radio on all the time, I only heard a certain Melodifestivalen 2010 winning song twice. Hmmm....
Labels: Holiday Hit List
Estland och Slovakien: En personlig recension och tidigare favoriter
0 comments Posted by ai at 7:29 AMEn analys av Estlands och Slovakiens bidrag.
Malcolm Lincoln är inget bilmärke utan ett artistnamn för Robin Juhkental. Låten ”Siren” är någon form av enerverande, odefinierbar syntpop. 3 minuter känns stundtals långa. Det måste vara titel som får mig att tänka på Odysseus irrfärder där han bands fast masten för att inte förtrollas av sirenernas sång. Malcolms låt hade knappast varit nåt problem för Odysseus - han hade seglat obemärkt förbi. Enligt den grekiska mytologin är en siren en fågel med kvinnohuvud.
Medverkat i ESC: Sedan 1994 med avbrott for 1995.
Bästa placering: Vinnare år 2001 med Tanel Padar, Dave Benton & 2XL och ”Everybody”
Min personliga favorit: Egentligen har jag tre: Ines (2000) ”Once In A Liftime”, Sahléne (2002) ”Runaway” och Ruffus (2003) ”Eighties Coming Back”. Måste jag välja blir det Ines som kom fyra.
Slovakien: Kristina "Horehronie". Startar som nr 4 i semifinal 1.
Efter tre uppvärmningslåtar börjar det hända nåt hos mig. Snygg sång och taktfasta trumrytmer som ger låten mer tempo än den egentligen har. Etno feeling i moll. Gillar att Kristina sjunger på slovakiska. Det enda jag inte uppskattar är låtens avslut med en ofullbordad harmonik. Landet saknar topplaceringar och har all chans att bättra på den i år.
Medverkat i ESC: Sporadiskt sedan 1994. Detta är femte gången man deltar.
Bästa placering: 1996 då Marcel Palonder blev 18:de med ”Kým Nás Má”
Min personliga favorit: Årets låt ”Horehronie”
Källa/foto: eurovision.tv
Labels: Dave Benton, Estland, Horehronie, Ines, Kristina, Malcolm Lincoln, Marcel Palonder, Sahléne, Slovakien, Tanel Padar
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Moldavien och Ryssland: En personlig recension och tidigare favoriter
0 comments Posted by ai at 6:49 AMMoldavien: The Sun Stroke Project & Olia Tira: "Run Away"
Årets techno-disco-influerade bidrag lär inte sätta något större avtryck i historien och lär inte aspirera på någon topplacering. Den enveten fiolrefrängen och saxriffet är det man kommer ihåg. Olia sjunger och hennes projekt verkar mest bestå av dansare men jag tror det är instrumentalisterna som avses.
Medverkat i ESC: Moldavien tillhör ungdomarna i detta sammanhang och kom med 2005.
Bästa placering: 6:a år 2005 då Zdob si Zdub sjöng punketno i ”Boonika Bate Toba”. Inte för att det var en bra låt utan för att man placerat en trummande mormor i en gungstol på scenen.
Min personliga favorit: Soft-chilliga “A Century Of Love” med Geta Burlacu från 2008. Ett jazzigt anslag och snyggt trumpetspel. Tog sig inte till finalen.
Ryssland: Peter Nalitch & Friends: ”Lost And Forgotten”
Peters röst låter som en mutation av Roger Whittaker och Demis Roussos. Hur olycklig kärleken än är så borde det finnas en gräns även i ESC-sammanhang. Detta är ett obeskrivlig balladpekorakel på tidsresa till 70-talets dansband era. Lyssna på ljudmattan i bakgrunden och stämsången som skulle platsa bättre i en manskör. Man har till och med fått in en snutt av pratsång, som får mig att tänka på Arne Qvicks dunderhit ”Rosen” från 1969. Fast den var bättre. Det bästa med denna låt är att jag får mig ett gott skratt när jag hör den.
Medverkat i ESC: Sedan 1994 men med vissa avbrott.
Bästa placering: 2008 då Dima Bilan vann med ”Believe”, som var en blek kopia av ”Never Let You Go” som han blev tvåa med år 2006.
Min personliga favorit: Alsou med ”Solo” från år 2000
Källa/foto: eurovision.tv
Friday, March 26, 2010
Album Assessment: Redux reviews of Goldfrapp, Gabriella Cilmi, Barenaked Ladies & The Candle Thieves
0 comments Posted by ai at 10:42 AMMy ear may well explode in the next however many minutes it takes to write this. So if an unattractive goo spaffs across your screen then you will know what has happened. Do not be alarmed. Repeat, do not be alarmed. Anyway, I was going to do a post a day as I am off work this week. This has almost happened. Frankly, even when I have time, I'm not a post a day person. 3 times a week seems to be my limit. Sometimes 4 if the mood takes me (ask Darren)! Anyhoo, I've put together a brief overview of some essential albums that have really brightened up my week off and helped me plow forward with some serious novel writing/book revisions. Merci beaucoup incredible artists :)
Goldfrapp ~ Head First: Another act I've never paid attention to is the chameleon like charms of Alison and her troupe. Each album they have released changes sounds from the last release and this is - like Gabriella - is a sumptuous disco dance extravaganza that channels string laden disco sound of Oliva Newton John, Abba and even ELO on some points. First single Rocket soars as it should, comes close to Kim Carnes territory and has a fun melody that positively fizzes. The electro-tinged synths continue throughout the album and there is rarely a miss here - Believer is brilliantly retro but in a way where the band seem to embrace the 80s rather than are inspired by it. It's rather marvelous to be won over by such a highly thought of, smart band because it gives me a full back catalogue to explore (much like when I swooned for St Etienne) - but for now, I'm suckered in by brilliance such as Hunt (so lovely, dark and breathy), I Wanna Life (out and out pop that Girls Can't Catch & the current girl group pretenders wish they could make) and the creatively bonkers Alive. All quite engrossing. For more thorough reviews check out AlienHits (again!), ADH and Chartrigger's interview!
Barenaked Ladies ~ All In Good Time: I've been a long time fan of BNL since all the counsellors at camp in Rochester were obsessed with The Old Apartment back in 1996. They've had ups and downs since then, most recently a bit of a line up change that seems to have shaped their latest album into something that has moments of brilliance but is tempered by some really disappointing tunes. Their last album proper (ie not the live or kids album) Barenaked Ladies Are Me/Men had sterling moments of lyrical creativity and great melodies. Some of that is replicated here in the coldplay-lite but totally engaging You Run Away ~ a totally melancholy sounding (band) break up song that could carry someone through to the final of American Idol if sung well. There's a genuine sadness in the delivery of the song that elevates it and it's a shame that it hasn't done better (perhaps it's a grower). Tracks like Summertime and Another Heartbreak are great straightforward pop tracks that deserve to be singles - great choruses with that 70s friendly ELO/Supertramp vibe that has been so popular with Take That and The Feeling of late (the latter has an exquisite Abba-esque middle 8 that is to die for). What's missing is some of the more quirky stuff the band are famous for - they come close with 4 Seconds, a cabaret romp that almost delights and is well worth the listen. The rest of the album - well it's not bad, but it doesn't sparkle and these four songs are definitely the highlights and way superior to the rest...
The Candle Thieves ~ Sunshine & Other Misfortunes: There is something entirely mesmerising about Scott and Glock's music. It's engaging, uplifting, welcoming and warm - cleverly written, wonderfully presented and touching on themes of love, loss and life that everyone can relate to. Debut single The Sunshine Song is practically Pushing Daisies the pop song - a cheerful, bright song on the surface with a peppy melody yet laced with undertones of sadness at the downside of love. We're All Gonna Die (Have Fun) is a delightfully effervescent tune that dazzles from start to finish and deserves to brighten up the charts when released on the 29th. The use of instruments throughout the album is carefully thought out and utterly rewarding because of this - whether it's the heavenly piano solo in the charming Bright Lights, or lilting casio on my fave album song My Love Will Clap It's Hands For You (best song title of the year so far). And the boys are capable of switching from the more jaunty tunes such as My Little Room to the more pensive Lonely Lonely Lonely. Definitely one of the most likeable and instant albums I've heard this year - it's my mission to see them live before they go too stratospheric. Next stop Birmingham please boys (the Bullring is lovely!)...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
For the three people in the world who don't know yet, I'm off to Sweden tomorrow to go and see Salem Al Fakir in concert in Gothenburg on Friday - I'm hoping to update Planet Salem whilst I'm over there, but this here blog should be back either late on Sunday night or definitely at some point on Monday.
See you all soon.
Labels: Salem Al Fakir, Travel
Semifinal 1, 25 maj 2010
1. MOLDOVIEN: The Sun Stroke Project & Olia Tira "Run Away"
2. RYSSLAND: Peter Nalitch "Lost And Forgotten"
3. ESTLAND: Malcolm Lincoln "Siren"
4. SLOVAKIEN: Kristina "Horehronie"
5. FINLAND: Kuunkuiskaajat "Työlki Eellää"
6. LETTLAND: Aisha "What For?"
7. SERBIEN: Milan Stankovic "Ovo Je Balkan"
8. BOSNIEN-HERZEGOVINA: Vukasin Brajic "Thunder and Lightning"
9. POLEN: Marcin Mrozinski "Legenda"
10. BELGIEN: Tom Dice "My And My Guitar"
11. MALTA: Thea Garrett "My Dream"
12. ALBANIEN: Juliana Pasha "Nuk Mundem Pa Ty"
13. GREKLAND: Giorgos Alkaios & Friends "Opa"
14. PORTUGAL: Filipa Azevedo "Há Dias Assim"
15. FYR MAKEDONIA: Gjoko Taneski feat. Bili & Pejcin "Jas Ja Imam Silata"
16. VITRYSSLAND: 3+2 "Butterflies"
17. ISLAND: Hera Bjork "Je Ne Said Quoi"
2. ARMENIEN: Eva Rivas "Apricot Stone"
3. ISRAEL: Harel Skaat "Milim"
4. DANMARK: Chanée and N'Evergreen "In A Moment Like This"
5. SCHWEIZ: Michael von der Heide "Il Pleut De L'or"
6. SVERIGE: Anna Bergendahl "This Is My Life"
7. AZERBAJDZJAN: Safura "Drip Drop"
8. UKRAINA: Alyosha "Sweet People"
9. NEDERLÄNDERNA: Sieneke "Ik Ben Verliefd (Sha-la-lie)"
10. RUMÄNIEN: Paula Seling & Ovi "Playing With Fire"
11. SLOVENIEN: Ansambel Roka Žlindre & Kalamari "Narodnozabavni Rock"
12. IRLAND: Niamh Kavanagh "It's For You"
13. BULGARIEN: Miro "Angel Si Ti"
14. CYPERN: Lilygreen & The Islanders "Life Looks Better In Spring"
15. KROATIEN: Feminnem "Lako Je Sve"
16. GEORGIEN: Sofia Nizharadze "Shine"
17. TURKIET: MaNga "We Could Be The Same"
3. NORGE: Didrik Solli-Tangen "My Heart Is Yours"
12. STORBRITANNIEN: Josh Dubovie "That Sounds Good To Me"
18. FRANKRIKE: Jessy Matador "Allez Olé"
22.TYSKLAND: Lena Meyer-Landrut "Satellite"
(Thanks to www.allkindsofeverything.ie for an excellent layout providing the songs and videos)
Labels: Eurovision Song Contest 2010, semifinal
Midweek Madness: The amazingness of pop (ft: Deborah Gibson, Carsten Andersson, Dirty Disco, My Robot Friend, Alison Moyet, Veronica Falls)
0 comments Posted by ai at 5:40 AMIt has been a brilliant few days for pop already. Elouise has released a limited edition of her debut EP (buy here; read interview here; read review here). Sir Simon of Curtis has broken twitter with the excitement surrounding his release of 8BitHeart (download here; read review here). And if that wasn't enough, loads of other bloody stonking great pop has come forth and multiplied (or something) and deserves a mammoth catch up post to reveal to you all the outstandingness of it all. Stand by to be stunned... (oh and pity me too please. I have a massive sore throat. I look like I have swallowed two tennis balls)!
- Deborah Gibson ~ Guy Like You: Can you believe it's actually been 22 years since Foolish Beat hit the number one slot in America? I feel so old. Deb is still working on a new album, but in the mean time has been putting together a musical called The Flunky, which now has a website online (she worked on it with Jimmy Van Patten - above). From that site, you can get a taste of a demo she has written and performed called A Guy Like You (track 2 on the musical player). Now remember, this is not a pop song but part of a larger musical soundtrack - inevitably, I have fallen totally in love with it. Gorgeous piano ballad, heartfelt vocal, lovely melody in the chorus - all reasons why I have followed her for 22 years. Quite exquisite. Oh, and with all the excitement around The Bird and The Bee doing Hall & Oates, it's time to revisit Deb's own version of Rich Girl - it's grown on me over the years and I'm quite enamoured of it now...
- Carsten Andersson ~ Fun: There is a lot of discussion around who will be the new male Lady Gaga (fact: Simon Curtis and Darin were the male Lady Gaga before Lady Gaga existed. And honestly, isn't Lady Gaga the male Lady Gaga?!) - Carsten is another name thrown into the hat. Based on his debut single, Fun, he's entirely worthy contender for some boy-pop attention. It's all throbbing beats and catchy chorus designed to enflame the senses and leave you wanting more more more - and it's all done in a decidedly brilliant eurodisco way. Check out his website for a clip of the tune and some rather,uh, titillating photos of young mr Andersson :P
- Dirty Disco ~ Vulture: The amount of times I am writing about Dirty Disco is now getting ridiculous. They will be taking out a restraining order shortly. But my blog love of them (tongues and everything) continues with this marvelous new ditty. Available as a free legal download over at ArjanWrites, it's a worthy successor to the still excellent Sista! Their own remix of the track is an intense whirling world of synths, disco, house and a chorus so supersonic it's worthy of it's very own club night. Astonishingly catchy, I'm practically salivating for a full album (and some Birmingham club dates)...
- My Robot Friend - Waiting: How have I not listened to this song before today (thankyou Gay Times)?! It features Alison Moyet and is on the act's 2009 album but is such a heavenly slice of vintage retro pop that it could have easily been tacked onto a Yazoo album from 1982. Not only is the track entirely engaging from start to finish, but it has this almost tribal beat breakdown in the middle eight that makes me giddy. Couple this with the 2010 version of Situation i heard on Larry Flick this week and i've Alison fever all over again!!
- Veronica Falls ~ Found Love In A Graveyard: It's like the spiritual successor to Kylie & Nick's Where The Wild Roses Grow via Annie Lennox's immense Love Song For A Vampire (which should totally be rereleased). It's a haunting piece of music which builds into a jangling piece of indie pop that sounds totally like the band are playing the song wherever you happen to be listening to it. Clever lyrics, dreamy vocals and lots of ooos in the backing vocals make this quirky, unusual little tune a total winner for me. More please...
Also don't forget to check out a stunning Steve Anderson pop piece courtesy of Spanish vixen Edurne (via Dontstopthepop), the new Ke$ha (already?!) (via poptrashaddicts), the wonderful new Sophie Ellis Bextor video (via Chartrigger) and a brillo and bonkers new Pipettes video (via DanProject76). And if that wasn't enough, there's Dannii Minogue looking blooming radiant in the new M&S advert, and a new Glee promo (LIKE A PRAYER!?!?!?) to spaff your wad over :)
Back tomorrow with reviews of Candle Thieves, Barenaked Ladies and Half Priced Hearts. Back Friday with Goldfrapp and Gabriella Cilmi reviews!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Bland de nordiska länderna så tävlar Finland och Island i första semifinalen och Danmark och Sverige i den andra. Enligt Christer Björkman så kommer det att vara en paus, eller reklaminslag för de kanaler som tillåter det, efter låt 5. Det kan vara bra både för Finland och för Sverige. Nu blir det till att börja lyssna på alla låtar i rätt ordningsföljd.
Startordning semifinal 1, den 25/5 Startordning semifinal 2, den 27/5:
1. Moldavien 1. Lituauen
2. Ryssland 2. Armenien
3. Estland 3. Israel
4. Slovakien 4. Danmark
5. Finland 5. Schweiz
6. Lettland 6. Sverige
7. Serbien 7. Azerbadijan
8. Bosnien-Herzegovina 8. Ukraina
9. Polen 9. Holland
10. Belgien 10. Rumänien
11. Malta 11. Slovenien
12. Albanien 12. Irland
13. Grekland 13. Bulgarien
14. Portugal 14. Cypern
15. Makedonien 15. Kroatien
16. Vitryssland 16. Georgia
17. Island 17. Turkiet
Startordning för finalen
2. Spanien
3. Norge
12. Storbritannien
18. Frankrike
22. Tyskland
Källa: SVT, eurovision.tv
Download: Simon Curtis - 8 Bit Heart (by following twitter for link)
Official website: With all lyrics and download information
Facebook: Simon Curtis official facebook page
- Read Bill's review here
- Read MuuMuse's review here
- Read JonAli's review here
- Shine On Media review here
- Music Fascination review here
- Fresh Yeah review here
- Hotter in Hollywood article
- Exceptional review at Story of One Year
- Popreviewsnow gets all technical!
I'm completely aware that my taste in pop is often out of sync with current tastes. Often hugely popular acts pass me by while I fall irrevocably in love with acts that I know probably won't make it, but i adore for the short period they shine any way. And then there's Simon Curtis. Since 2006, I've been slightly obsessed with the music of young Mr Curtis and for once, I felt like I was waiting for the world to catch up. Alter Boy contained (and still does) a stunning set of pop tunes that ranged from avant garde to darkly yet deliciously malevolent - always with a focus on what makes a song soar. The fun Nickelodeon movie Spectacular bought a more teen-centric set of tunes to the masses and allowed Simon's vocals to shine in a way that pre-dated Glee by a good 5 months. And now as 2010 starts to blossom, it feels like the wait has been worth while. Simon has earned his Lord Gaga rising tag and people can't help but take notice.
And thus, 8 Bit Heart is launched onto an eagerly waiting, ever increasing army of fans. This a true viral launch of smart, intense, catchy boy-pop in the purest form. By retaining control and doing everything himself (ably produced by long time collaborator Jadion), there's no compromise in quality and for those lovers of Alter Boy, you are not going to be disappointed.
First up is the album cover itself - i love how Simon's white t-shirt blends into the background so his 'human features' stand out above all else; with the broken 8 bit heart bleeding black goo from being broken and abused. It's a stark visual image that not only is memorable but thematically linked to what you are about to hear. Plus, Simon looks great - love the glasses...
8BitHeart is a journey taken from the view of Boy Robot, who is introduced in the track of the same name opening up the album. It's about seeking love, for love makes someone whole - and though it's insanely confusing and infuriating, the theme is finding love (and being loved in return) should be the simplest thing in the world. And herein lies the concept of the album - excellent sci-fi has always been successful because it is inherently based on themes that we can recognise among the fantastical. Lord of the Rings wouldn't have struck millions of people had there not been love, loyalty, betrayal and redemption. Ditto Harry Potter. Even A.I. had dominant themes of wanting to belong, and those are echoed in our very own Boy Robot. Simon weaves elements of sci-fi and computer games into his songs, but at the heart are very human emotions and once you are done marveling at the clever way the album is constructed, this is what will keep you coming back for more.
The quest commences on Don't Wanna Be Alone - a sentiment anyone can share. Built around a rising and falling 5 note fuzzy synth riff, percussive beats begin to explode like fireworks and Simon delivers a raw effective vocal. Instantly, the references to the 8 Bit Heart and computer games are there in the opening lyric ""They say that love is a game only played by the dumbest of fools/ that the feeling's elusive, and what can you do with a ruse?" ~ double meanings abound, as logic would be bound by the rules of a game even in love and looking at it from this point of view means taking risks to find the one who can make your life meaningful. But if it's a game that only fools play, they are sucked into a world of cheating and rule breaking that becomes the 'ruse'... It's not just the lyrics that make the song work - the sparse percussion pervades the tune and gives an almost bleak atmospheric vibe that often matches the search for love. I live for clever stuff like this, not just because it sounds great, but because it makes me feel smart - like when I work something out on Lost...
Taking risks is what happens on Fell In Love W/ An Android - there is a brilliant opening line "I am Simon Curtis - Human Cyborg Relations" which makes me think this guy was made for a job on V (if ABC ever bring it back). Bleeps, beeps and beats abound as he berates himself for falling for someone that is shut off, cold, emotionless and detached. Within the concept of the album, this is represented through lyrics such "playing games with a toy that played me" and "Try to play it like you think you're something so hot, hate to say it but I'd rather fuck a robot". Oh my. I can absolutely see something amazing being done visually with a video or with a live tour version of this song ~ the possibilities are endless and mindboggling (and make me yearn for an 8 Bit Heart arena tour in the UK. If I win the lottery, I'll definitely sponsor it). There are further references to people masquerading as human in the middle 8 when he references Cylons, those earth invaders from Battlestar Galactica. It's a great chorus though and some of the smart digs that are ever present on Alter Boy are coming through loud and clear here. One things for sure - don't piss this boy off, he's like an electro-pop Jagged Little Pill.
One of my favourites is up next and leads a trio of utterly amazing pop tunes. Now when I say amazing, I'm talking just ridiculously ace because even Simon dialling it in is most likely better than most pop out there. Super Psycho Love is an intense exploration of the madness that can come with a surge of feelings for someone. More clever lyrics ("lit the fuse and missed the candle") and a persistant beat make this fun, but the middle 8 is like running through a fun house of mirrors - it throws in some great sound effects that feel like the world is the famous Scream painting. The vocal goes flawlessly to and from falsetto in the chorus and the beat never lets up until the last note. It's a heady ride and one that you will want to take over and over again. Like the characters in the song, you are ensnared in the grip and nothing lets up - it's intoxicating. In fact the only thing that gets me moving on is knowing that A Very Special Pop Moment is next...
The title track is one of the most sublime and gorgeous pieces of pop music I've heard in a long time. It's joyously simplistic with a truly impassioned vocal, finger clicks and the most heavenly chorus you will hear this year. Some songs are so imbued with the feel good factor that they are destined to become anthemic as their message spreads both far and wide. Built around the refrain of "is it so so wrong to love and be loved in return?", the chorus has some delicious multilayered harmonies running throughout and the fingerclicking makes it feel like an updated 50s doo-wop ballad. The song hits proportions of amazingness at just after 2 minutes when a shuffling beat kicks in and Simon's vocals soar into falsetto in a moment that just sends shivers down your spine, before it's all reined in and a gentle piano riff leads you out of the ecstasy you have just experienced. It's possibly the best solo boyband song I've ever heard and one that X Factor vocal groups will be all over in years to come. Conceptually, it fits after the adventures of the past few songs - things haven't gone well on the journey for love and the 8 Bit heart is left wanting and wondering whether the human activity of love is worthy of all this effort.
The trifecta of perfect pop is rounded off with the excellent Diablo. Something about this song screams worldwide smash to me. It has elements of Britney, Lady Gaga, Pet Shop Boys, Darin, swedish pop and an insanely catchy chorus that most pop princes would die for. Definitely the most "pure pop" moment on the album, it blisters in the sun with it's pop ferocity and like all enduring pop songs has a cheeky wink to it (quoting kelly clarkson and having an element of Womaniser about it) as well as a smidgeon of novelty (I double dog dare you not to sing along with "you're the devil you're a filthy piece of trash/gonna brush you off my shoulder gonna let you kiss my ass/a diablo a diablo a diablo"), it's nigh on impossible). Again, it's another Electro Little Pill moment, but so delightfully backhanded with it too - "oh and now i really want to see you get help/i really want to see you get over yourself" is a lovely kiss you then slap you moment, all dressed up in the best male pop production I've heard in a long time. And you know Simon's totally on the right page with trailblazing this - the new Sergey single Alarm is an inferior (albeit mildly enjoyable) carbon copy of this type of tune. There's then a brief intermission while Simon says "su-hweeeeet" in an elevator, a word I don't really get probaby because I'm aging and then it's onto the next tune....

Delusional was the first free download that launched the album and a song that Simon's had around for about a year now. It's firmly in the club-pop territory and the middle 8 has an instrumental breakdown that is reminiscent of Janet Jackson circa Rhythm Nation 1814 era. Again this evokes imagery of a slick, perfectly timed dance routine that would be great in a video or on tour and is crying out for a raft of remixes to extend your pleasure that much longer. If you listen carefully to the chorus, you hear how dedicated the production values are - the beat merges seamlessly with the synths, while Simon multi-layers his own harmonies to give the sound a depth and urgency that matches the lyrics. It's a smashing pop tune, and so much better than some of the lazy efforts that stars who have so much more money spent on them. It's all in the details, people.
Joystick has grown on me exponentially in the couple of months I have had to listen to the album and it's an essential part of the story. It begins with some space invader type sound effects that then merge to become part of the song itself - a tale about about the woes of playing games with the fragility of someone's heart (linking back to the 'ruse' lyrics in Don't Wanna Be Alone). It has a deliciously filthy double entendre (or maybe it's just the single entendre and I'm reading too much into it?!) as Simon sings "baby, grab a-hold of the joystick/take control of the motion/I can feel it when you..." The dot dot dot leads into the sweatiest heavy panting since Shakira's She Wolf and you just know that the 8BitHeart is firing synapses around the pleasure principle of the body! Brilliantly, the lyrics carry on to go through a virtual encyclopedia of game consoles and link them to the state of the relationship. AS the song progresses, it's almost like the giant climax to an electrorgasm and the most evocative pop since Je T'Aime...
Amid the breakneck beats of Beat Drop there is a rather wonderful operatic sample that runs throughout, and contrasts nicely with the intensity of the tune. It's riddled with numeric references (all prime numbers; oh except 4 of course:P), which I love in pop tunes - I'm all curious to know what the 7 kinds of naughty are when the beat drops, and it's the most titillating reference since Prince confirmed there are 21 positions in a one night stand (I only know 15!)Love Simon using the lower register of his vocal range in the verses - it plays as well as Janet in Love Will Never Do Without You doing 2 types of vocal which almost make it sound like a duet. The Boy Robot is definitely discovering the power of dance in the art of seduction and even references Bad Romance at the end of the second verse.
It segues nicely into Brainwash (written by the lovely Rochella Danishei - formerly of Candy Coated Chaos, now brilliantly solo) which begins with a talky sample - something Simon has always been fond of and used to great effect on his Alter Boy collection of tunes. This song deals with the allure and seduction of the fame game and how it can completely overtake everything you believe in. There's a hypnotic quality to the beat which works nicely with the title of tune, and the middle 8 has an impassioned vocal by Simon which allows for a very brief moment of wistfulness before he's swept up by the bright lights again. Of course, it possibly has another meaning too, knowing Simon's love of Lady Gaga - perhaps it's another The Fame he's captivated by and detailing a very different type of love, where the Boy Robot is intruiged by obsession and hero worship of unobtainable idols. Either way, it's an intruiging development in the journey...
And as the journey continues towards it's (temporary?) conclusion, something quite stunning happens. Simon ups the game on The Dark. It's a number of "suites" all mixed into one tune (think back to how Biology by Girls Aloud is constructed) and it feels like several songs into one, but it works marvelously. It begins with an instrumental score that feels filmatic in production before a shuffling beat introduces Simon and a delicious mid-tempo verse, 54 seconds sees another change as a spoken-rap fuses into the incredibly sweet sounding chorus at 1m08s. The theme is all about not being able to see, being blinded by love - and just when the song has undergone all the twists and turns musically that you would excpect in a relationship, there's a blistering rap in the middle courtesy of none other than Jay-Z. Blimey! It takes the album to yet another high just as it draws to a conclusion and gives us a complex, rewarding song that keeps giving with each multiple listen...
And then it's all over :( The coda to Boy Robot is Victory. The journey has bought us (and the Boy Robot) some valuable lessons. I won't spoil the ending here, but it's sad but optimistic - as most great sci-fi and fantasy adventures are. It's really the most amazing accomplishment and one that should gain Simon an increasing army of admirers. People need to sit up and take notice because Simon not only delivers musically, but creates a themed album that is a real delight from finish to end...
My suggested singles: Delusional, Diablo, Super Psycho Love, Joystick, 8 Bit Heart

Labels: album assessment, Obessions, Simon Curtis
Monday, March 22, 2010
Labels: Television
Bubbles of FizzyPop: Elouise - The Interview (Stardust EP Out Now!)
0 comments Posted by ai at 1:25 AMHow does it feel to be releasing your debut EP today?
I’m all smiles! It feels like it’s been a long time coming!!!!!
Firstly though let me say a massive thank you to you. You have been one of the first bloggers to follow me and support me from the start and your love for the music has really given me the drive to make this happen, and the reason i have released the EP. So thank you :)
Oh! You are quite welcome. It's been a lovely journey following you around. You've had quite the musical performance background leading up to this - can you talk me through some of the highlights and lowlights?!
Where to start... it sounds stupid to say i have performed my whole life... but ever since watching the Wizard of Oz when i was four and being completely fascinated by Judy Garland... i have pursued the dream ever since. I am still trying to find the pot at the end of the rainbow, although there have been many highlights along the way, and their fair share of lowlights..... a highlight for me would be playing ‘Little Costette’ in Les Miserables when i was ten years old. I didn’t really know what i was getting myself into back then, I just ended up at the audition after saying I’d go along with a friend... i sang ‘Frosty The Snowman’ ( which is completely ridiculous; my mum let me sing this for a Les Mis audition but there you go!) and the rest is history! It was here for the first time i saw amazing singers, and was completely drawn into the world of music and the passion that a vocal on a song can deliver to the audience. Whilst pursuing the dream there have been many lowlights, I have always got so close and it all falls through, but at the minute they are all highlights..... it’s not a good look to have ‘lowlights eh... ;)
Indeed. Actually one of my highlights was when I first came across you early in 2009 and you had a gorgeous song on your myspace page - was a real 60s girl band vibe to it called Since U Been Gone. Is that - and your other early songs - gone forever, or will they return at some point?
Well as you develop as an artist it’s all about defining your sound, and you go through many changes along the way. My inspiration has always come from the likes of Diana Ross, Dusty Springfield, Barbara Streisand, Bette Midler, Judy Garland and Shirley Bassey, so it was no surprise I would channel songs from the 60’s and these amazing singers in their prime. I am still very proud of those songs, but it’s all about finding the right team and the right producer, and i think you’ll agree that the songs on the EP now, which have been produced by Steve Anderson, are truly magical. They capture everything about me, the voice, the drama, and for the first time in my career I feel like I’ve arrived!
One of the highlights - and continuing staples - of your live performances is your discotastic cover of One Night Only. Indeed, it forms a large part of my getting ready for a night out with my group of friends on a Saturday. We now know all the dance moves!! Any chance that you will release a studio version one day (I hear Steve Anderson did a magnificent arrangement of it!)?
I love the fact you get ready for your night out whilst doing my ‘One Night Only’ dance moves! The reason I put this song into the live shows is because i love ‘Dreamgirls’ the movie! I can watch it over and over again! I just love the glamour in it, the fabulous dresses, the sequins and the drama behind it all, and of course One Night Only is an amazing song, and a great show piece, although I don’t think i would record a studio version of it.... I think if anything what myself and Steve would like to do is create our own disco suite....!
The big ballads on the EP - Pretender and Another Day - have you channelling Dusty, Shirley, Karen, Agnetha and Cilla. Is that intentional or do the songs just bring it out in you?
I naturally have all of them inside of me if you know what I mean, but it’s the songs that bring it out in me. I just listen to the lyrics and the voice speaks for itself. Steve will tell you that when i record I song, I just close my eyes and do what i feel. For many years I never classed myself as a singer ~ I have never been trained as a singer it just comes out... and I find I can let my emotions out in a song. I am quite a shy person really, i am not someone who likes to talk about it if something has upset me, but the emotion will come out when I sing.
Fireman of My Dreams is quite the saucy little tune and delightful too. How did it come about originally?
Well..... no one believes me when i tell them it’s based on truth!!! I happen to have a certain ‘Firefighter’ in my life, and it inspired me to write the song. Will he turn out to be ‘The Fireman of My Dreams...... who knows.... ;)
That's very coy of you! I love the song - and it has since undergone the most dreamy transformation (live version here)! How did that happen?
Well, this is how i always intended the song to be. We had to take the live version of the song and make it into a record, and who would get this more than Steve Anderson! Steve has the ability to create the most beautiful string lines and guides me through all the harmonies and bv’s to create the most gorgeous dreamy song. I absolutely love it, no one makes songs like this anymore and it’s nice to have a bit of dreamy fun amongst my dramatic torch songs.
What's it like to work with Steve and Terry (Ronald)?
It’s just a complete privilege in every way. Steve is giving me that chance to shine and i am so grateful for everything he is doing. It can be very rare these days that such a huge and influential producer takes someone under their wing and believes in them, so I feel extremely lucky to have this team around me. The song ‘Pretender’ came from Terry, and I think it is such an amazing song, Steve then re-produced the song into the epic that you hear now, and it just shows what the right team of people can achieve.
Where does your imagery come from - it's not just in the dresses, it's sparkling across your EP and in your performances...
I know! It’s just all in my head! I have always had a very strong vision of how this would work and what i want to create. Sometimes my ideas are way off scale right now, but I hope one day I can make it all happen. The imagery does come from the dresses, the shoes, the sequins, but then from all my feelings on heartbreak and love, and it shows in all the colours of the rainbow, that quite rightly are sparkling all over the EP! Of course I bring all this to every performance and try to tell a story through every song, and bring the audience into my world for a short time.
How was the Polly Rae show (Elouise recently performed the opening slot on Miss Polly Rae's burlesque show in the West End of London)? What songs did you perform? Were you ever tempted to get a little bit naughty for it at all?
The show was amazing! I was so thrilled to be the special guest for Polly! The show received rave reviews and I have no doubt she will go on to become a huge star. I tried to link my set so it ran smoothly into Polly’s show, and so I touched on the other side of being a woman... our emotions, as the songs I performed are all based on love and heartbreak. For the show I performed my ‘One Night Only’ , my epic ‘Another Day’’, the dreamy ‘Fireman of My Dreams’ my heartbreaking ‘Pretender’ and then I did a medley of ‘I’m A Rainbow’ into ‘The Runner’, a very discotastic song by the Three Degrees!!!
Love your version of The Runner. Maybe you could duet (trioette?!) with Bananarama on their new single version of it?! Actually, I have a whole albums worth of duets I'd like you to do (including Don't Let Go by En Vogue with Sammy Taylor, So Close from Enchanted with Adam Tyler and As Long As You're Mine from Wicked with Adam Garcia. Plus I have a brillo updated version of Enough Is Enough all dancey and disco in my head with Simon Curtis!) Are there any classics you'd love to do with a dream duet partner?
Oh my goodness! Well I love ‘Enough is Enough’ more than life itself....so any day!
It’s a tough one to pick a song to be honest. I love so many songs, many of them by Barbara Streisand, Dusty, Shirley Bassey and Diana Ross. Although how can you do a cover of their songs because they are so iconic and incredible. I’d love for Shirley to take me under her wing for a duet... then I can go to town on the sequins even more.... and I’d also love to do a duet with Michael Buble. We are both capable of carrying off huge songs, and bringing that true emotion to a song, that I think this could be perfect match... in my dreams! ;)
I love your suggestions here though! I really like Sam Taylor’s music; he has a very warm tone to his voice that I love. I really like his cover of Communication on his myspace, so yes I’d love to do a duet with him, and as for Adam Garcia... who would say no.. ;)
And what's next for Elouise? A debut album?
Well that’s what I’m striving towards. There’s a couple of songs that I’m really excited about, one is called ‘I Owe You Nothing’, which sounds like the next Bond soundtrack, and the other is a cover of a Matt Monroe song which has one of the most beautiful and heartfelt lyrics that I have ever heard. I was completely drained after recording this song.
As for time, I can’t say when or how long the album will take, so this is why I’ve made the limited Edition EP, as a way of saying thank you to the fans, and a taster of what is to come. This EP is very personal to me, for many reasons, I made a promise to someone close to me that I would make this happen, and it is because of him that I was able to make the EP, and I really wanted to make it special which I have. It’s like a story when you open it up, and like you said the imagery is sparkling all over it. There are not many of the EP’s, this really is a very special limited edition, and I hope you all love it as much as I do... x
So there you have it. A peak behind the glitter - now go buy the EP :) And check out "The Elouise Directory" below :)
- My review of Fireman of My Dreams
- Elouise's One Night Only is one of my fave songs of 2009
- Sneak peek of new song I Owe You Nothing
- Pretender review (2)
- Pretender review (1)
- Gay Times intro to Elouise
- My 'A Night Under The Stars' Review
- Puffta interview with Elouise
- Poptrashaddicts Stardust review
- Dontstopthepop Steve Anderson interview (discussing Elouise)
- Dontstopthepop Elouise/Kylie post
Tomorrow: Simon Curtis. It's gonna be mega.
Labels: Bubbles of fizzy pop, elouise
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The Fizzypop Chronicles 2010 Vol Four (Part Two; plus weekly chart)
0 comments Posted by ai at 12:21 PMOh what a (night) weekend it's been! I've packed Darren off on holiday for a week; I have the next week off from work; I'm still addicted to Russell T Davies' The Writer's Tale and now have my own version of "the great correspondence"; I watched all of series 1 of the Inbetweeners today in one sitting and laughed my arse off; I'm now watching the new season of The Tudors and fear that it does not bode well for silly nymphette Katherine Howard; and I met up for blogest ("tweetmeet") 2010 with lovely XO, Jessica, Jams, Dan, Phil, two Rods and Richard which was quite the enchanting evening! Anyway, here is the remainder of the fizzypop chronicles and the weekly chart (poor Robbie. I just barely listened to Morning Sun this week!)
- Bright Light Bright Light ~ A New Word To Say: A popjustice song of the day on Monday (and deservedly so), BrightLightX2 is one of the Rods I met on Saturday night. Not only is he an intensely charming and well spoken chappie, he has worked my beloved Nerina Pallot but he produces eminently smart and well written pop music that delight the soul and tingles the senses. A New Word To Say (available as a free legal download on his website here) is a warm, lush, electro tinged track that is built around the constructs of some of his folk music and soars with the addition of some synths, a luxurious beat and a dreamy skybound chorus. Featured artist (from Neon Neon) Boom Bip works seamlessly with Rod and together they have conjured up one of the most engaging lovely songs of the spring. More to come soon on the debut album, Make Me Believe In Hope.
- Sound of Arrows ~ Into The Clouds: Much like my resurrected interest in Le Kid, I'm refreshing my love affair with the lovely synth-pop duo Sound of Arrows in anticipation of a new album fairly shortly. This track was out last year and while isn't quite as delicious and amazing as the always wondrous M.A.G.I.C, it is still a top notch tune - and the Fear of Tigers remix whips it into a disco frenzy that Giorgio Morodo would be jealous of. And although it's no crime to remind yourself of these tracks, I am hoping the new album won't be too far away now...
- Dirty Disco ~ Sista: I've written about Dirty Disco a couple of times, so it should be no surprise that their punchy, feisty single ends up on the monthly playlist. It's an energetic romp that is strong on dance beats, infectious melody and a heavy dollop of leaning towards theatrics - all things that make up an incredibly brilliant, smashing pop single. And one that deserves mighty success because it's a song that loves itself. That might sound a bit odd, but it's a tune that knows it is deliriously fun and plays on that, rather than tries to tame the fact. Play multiple times daily to cures the blues...
- Ryan Ferrada ~ Chemical Connection: Keeping the memory alive, I continue to mine Ryan's lovely album (Room 501) for singles and find the pickings rich in choice. Chemical Connection is a dark electro-dance tune that matches fuzzy synths and effects with Ryan's vocal style. It's definitely one of the most "pop" moments on the dance oriented album and a lovely - if now saddened - glimpse into the star Ryan could have become...
- Adam Lambert ~ Whadaya Want From Me: The sign of a good song is that it works quite well in a number of formats. So there is the dramatic, gothic-meets-glam original album mix that is quite nice (though not as brilliant as some of the BWO singles in the same ilk). There is the acoustic version which reins it in a little bit and is very pleasant (though not as brilliant as Darin, Danny or Mans turning their uptempo epics into acoustic ballads) and there is a fine dance mix floating around that works quite well. And it all works well and it's quite good, but I can't help but feel that it could be just that bit better...
- Hugh Sheridan ~ All About Me: Ah Hugh. I sometimes wonder whether I like his songs because he is actually incredibly pretty to look at at and yet looks quite gruff & rough in a denim shirt and tie. Heavy long sigh. But actually, I do quite like this song - it's an uptempo jangly number that is reminiscent of early Robbie Williams and is all about what a selfish tosser he has been in the past. Also it has some nice piano and sumptuous strings and a nice singalong chorus. Plus he also looks quite brilliant in a tux looking all tired after a night out. Oh I'm so shallow...
- Stan Walker ~ Think of Me: Australian Idol Stan looks like Bug from Life UneXpected. And then he has to suffer the indignity of having an album released that is mainly covers (although The Climb puts Joe's to shame). There are a couple of new songs that sparkle - Black Box is a corker (on the Jan Fizzypop Chronicles) and this one is nearly as good and well worth a few minutes of your time. It's a summery slice of soul that is smooth as silk and tasty as a galaxy caramel.
- Music Go Music ~ Just Me: Oh how I continually adore the music of, er, Music Go Music. Light of Love was the most abba-esque song since Benny Andersson Band. They have this exquisite knack of bridging the gap between the lovely 70s melodies so favoured by Abba and their ilk, and a more critical analytical blogging world of the new millenium. It's an ace chirpy, hook laden, marvelous four minutes and something that should be making lives sparkle across the world :)
- Todd Alsup ~ Let's Have A Party: I'm in full adoration mode of Todd Alsup. Mainly because he creates these genuinely inviting pop ditties that are full of uplifting melodies, great piano riffs and big singalong choruses. Let's Have A Party is a brilliant example of that type of tune and feels like it should be played loud on a Friday night as you grab a six pack of beer (= wine coolers/zima) and head on over to your friend. And how lovely that the song can help you create some lasting memories with your pals as it did me this week :)
- The Candle Thieves ~ We;re All Gonna Die: Oh, it's getting silly now. I can't really keep saying nice things about Candle Thieves, yet they keep providing me with such joyful music that I'm compelled. Their album review is coming later in the week and is going to be more of a love fest. Prepare for that with this heavenly track that is all chirpy melody and quirky instruments, with an excellent and memorable chorus. The title makes it seem bleak, but trust me - three plus minutes with this song and you'll feel better than you have in ages. Oh and check out this free remix - it turns it into a bloody brilliant synthtastic epic...
- The Sparkling Arrest ~ Skyman: I first fell (and fell hard) for Sparkling Arrest when I heard their ever so good song Skyman. It's an instant epic that mixes crashing piano chords with some brilliant guitar work, all the while driving the song forward with a vocal melody that weaves in and out of the instrumental drama going on. The performance below that they performed in their own home shows that it works in an intimate environment as well as it's most deserved place - a massive outdoor stage with people singing it back.
21 ~ The Candle Thieves, We're All Gonna Die (NE/VID)
20 ~ Simon Curtis, Diablo
19 ~ Marina & The Diamonds, Hollywood
18 ~ Diana Vickers, Once
17 ~ Boyzone, Gave It All Away
16 ~ Sergey Lazarev, Alarm
15 ~ Alex gardner, I'm Not Mad
14 ~ Mika, Rain
13 ~ Ola, Unstoppable
12 ~ Magnus Carlsson, A Little Respect
11 ~ Music Go Music, Light of Love
10 ~ Donkeyboy, Ambitions
09 ~ Darin, You're Out Of My Life
08 ~ Alcazar, Headlines
07 ~ Elouise, Fireman of My Dreams
06 ~ The Pipettes, Stop The Music
05 ~ Neo, Human Frontier
04 ~ Bjorn Johan Muri, Yes Man
03 ~ Simon Curtis, Super Psycho Love
02 ~ Gabriella Cilmi, On A Mission
01 ~ Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Bittersweet (NE/1 Week)
Coming this week: Elouise interview; Simon Curtis mammoth feature; album reviews for Candle Thieves, Sparkling Arrest, The Pipettes and more!